Chapter 3~The Fight

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Frosttail hissed in defiance as she stood up to Flamepelt. How dare she call me a prey-stealer!? She thought in disbelief.

"What did you just call me?" Frosttail hissed menacingly.

"I called you a prey-stealer you flea-brain!" Flamepelt snarled.

Frosttail lost all control after she said that. She pounced onto Flamepelt with all her rage. Flamepelt wasn't expecting it, but she quickly regained her stature and wrestled with her. The two she-cats rolled around until Flamepelt had Frosttail pinned to the ground. Frosttail pushed her off with her hind legs and bounced back up.

Flamepelt landed easily on all fours, the two she-cats circled each other. Waiting for each other to make the first move. After a few moments more, Flamepelt became impatient. She ran straight for Frosttail's throat. Frosttail waited until she was closer, then she dove under Flamepelt's belly. Quickly, she hooked out her legs out from underneath her. She rolled out from Flamepelt's falling body before she could squash her.

Fast as lightning, Frosttail pinned Flamepelt by the throat. Flamepelt panted with rage, but stayed put.

"Enough!" Brownfeather yowled.

Frosttail looked up, surprised by the anger in his voice. Flamepelt took advantage of the distraction and jumped up. She raked her claws across her muzzle. Frosttail hissed with rage, and went into her hunter's crouch so she could pounce on the fox-heart.

"No! Frosttail, get back on our side of the border." Brownfeather snarled.

Frosttail snapped her head up in surprise. She realized that she should probably listen to him. She walked over the border with her head hung low.

Wildleaf was looking on with wide scared eyes the whole time. Brownfeather's eyes were sparkling in rage. Frosttail looked down to her paws. She could hear Flamepelt running back to her camp, triumph in her steps. She got away with the rabbit anyway.

"Come on, that's it for this border patrol," The angry deputy hissed and stalked away into the night.

Wildleaf started rushing after him, looking back with sympathy in her eyes. Frosttail padded after them more slowly, her thoughts racing with rage.

I could've gotten our prey back! She thought angrily.

She then realized that she couldn't hear Brownfeather's and Wildleaf's steps ahead of her anymore. Frosttail sniffed the air. The air was upwind so she couldn't smell them. She looked around the moor and saw nothing. They must already be at camp.

Frosttail moped around until it was moonhigh. She sighed, she really didn't want to go to camp. She decided to stay out on the moor for the night. She settled down, too tired to get comfortable.

She was falling asleep until she heard a rustling in the grass. She sat up in fear.

A dark shadow appeared in the moonlight. Frosttail's heart stopped.

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