Chapter 6~Why?

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Frosttail itched her ear dutifully, her heart hurt. Why had he done this? His betrayal hurt Frosttail badly. As she got up, her plump belly shifting as she did. She was pregnant from him.

He had done this to her.

But she still loved him.

She still needed him.

He was her everything.

Frosttail's heart ached whenever she thought of him. He had also told her some devastating news after he viciously attacked her.

Frosttail finally managed to kick the heavy tom off of her. Her sides ached from his long vicious claws scratching her.

"Now, you will carry on my bloodline." Oakfur spat.

Frosttail hissed in pain, her ear stinging from being ripped. "Why did you do that?" She rasped, agony coursing throughout her body.

Oakfur turned away, ignoring her question. "I was just using you from the start," he mewed blankly.

Frosttail's heart stopped at his next words.

"I like a different she-cat anyway." Oakfur swung back around and glared at her.

Frosttail jumped up, rage coursing through her body. "Who is she?" She hissed, her eyes wild with anger.

Oakfur looked at her, fear flashing in his eyes for an instant. He quickly covered it up and hissed in confusion. He looked at her in disgust, as she unsheathed her claws then sheathed them again.

Frosttail's vision blurred with her rage, who was this mystery she-cat?

"I'm not gonna see you again. I've done what I've needed to." He flicked his tail with satisfaction and started heading towards TreeClan territory again.

Frosttail's anger drained away as she saw her loved one walk away from her.

She watched as he walked out of her life.

Frosttail blinked away the flashback, her heart fluttering, once again, with grief.

Frosttail shook her pelt out, she couldn't show that she was sad. Her Clan didn't know who the father was, and she had decided not to tell who the father was.

She padded out of the Warrior's Den, her belly bouncing as she walked over to the fresh-kill pile. Her stomach rumbled with hunger, her kits were hungry.

When she got there and settled down, she heard pawsteps behind her. She looked behind her to see her mother, Antpelt, standing behind her.

Her mother's eyes were sparkling with excitement as she asked, "So, who's the father?"

Frosttail's heart sped up as she thought of what she should say. Her mother would want to know who the father was.

But she wasn't ready to tell her. Not ever.

"Um- I'd rather not share," Frosttail replied bluntly.

Her mother looked hurt, but Frosttail knew she couldn't tell her that she was with another cat from another Clan. So she picked up a small hare and sat down. Pretending to be busy with the hare, her mother retreated.

Frosttail sighed in relief. But her relief was short-lived because she already heard another set of pawsteps behind her. She smelled that it was Brownfeather.

"Who's the father?" Brownfeather asked suspiciously.

Frosttail looked up at him. His gaze was hurt, he must have really had a huge crush on her if he was hurt. "I'd... rather not tell," she mewed, ripping into the hare again.

Brownfeather settled down beside her, his flank barely touching hers. "Please, I want to know." He meowed charmingly.

That wouldn't work on Frosttail. She was about to reply when an idea occurred to her. What if she pretended that Brownfeather was the father of her kits? She would give him something in exchange. But that would stop all the awkward questions.

"I'll make a deal with you." Frosttail leaned in, whispering.

Brownfeather's ears perked up, as he mewed, "What?"

She looks around, making sure no one was listening. "If you pretend that you're the father of my kits, I will..." She trailed off, thinking of what she could offer him.

The handsome tom's eyes widened but he leaned in closer, and asked, "You will....?"

Frosttail's heart beat faster at the idea that appeared in her head. "I will be your mate." She offered.

Brownfeather leaned back, his eyes widening as he took in her words. "You'll be my mate..." he trailed off.

Frosttail's heartbeat, even more, faster as he sat there, his eyes wide with shock. She didn't know the thoughts that were running through his head right now. Would he accept the deal?

Brownfeather's eyes seemed to light up with excitement, "Of course I'll do it!" He meowed excitedly.

Frosttail sighed in relief as he accepted her offer. No more awkward questions. Frosttail closed her eyes as her thoughts started to slow down.

She was startled out of her relief when she felt a warm flank press against her flank. She looked over to see Brownfeather there. "W-What are you doing?" Frosttail stutters, feeling herself start to blush.

"Well, since we're mates now, I will show you how a real gentletom treats a she-cat." he purred, Brownfeather started to groom her pelt.

Frosttail blinked, blushing deeply. Brownfeather wasn't so bad after all.

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