Chapter 12~The Addiction

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Frosttail licked her fluff beneath her neck clean of Owlfang's blood. She purred with satisfaction and glee. Her adrenaline was just starting to slow down from the kill. She had successfully taken the life out of Owlfang. Frosttail had buried Owlfang's body under a root and compacted the dirt easily. She had scuffed up any evidence of the struggle that had happened.

Frosttail decided that it was probably time to head back with some prey. No one would suspect a thing from her if she was just being loyal to her Clan.

She sniffed around for any prey at all. Frosttail sniffed it out easily since it was new-leaf and prey was abundant. She scented a thrush and could sense it was nearby, so she got into her hunter's crouch. Frosttail checked to make sure she was downwind, and when she was she started to proceed steadily.

Once she was close enough to see it, she saw that it was busy picking worms out of some moist soil. Frosttail stalked closer and pounced. She quickly killed it and started heading home happily.

Life was good.

. . .

The emptiness that had filled her heart before she killed Owlfang had come back eventually. Frosttail didn't understand why, she had only wanted to kill two cats so no one would notice that cats had been going missing a lot recently.

Frosttail sighed with boredom as she lay in her nest with Brownfeather. It was just before dawn.

Her kits were five moons old now. They had grown tremendously and were very loyal to GrassClan. Flamepaw was great at hunting, and Emberpaw was good at border patrols. She was very proud of them.

But she wasn't content.

Frosttail couldn't take it anymore, she needed to kill. Her kits had just been named warriors. She was extremely proud of them but she wasn't the kind of happy that she wanted to be.

Emberpaw was named Emberlight, and Flamepaw was named Flameclaw. Happily, they moved into the warrior's den, right next to their Mother and Father's nest.

Frosttail started to plot a plan, to kill. She purred with satisfaction as she thought of the cat to kill.

Brownfeather, who was out hunting with her, looked at her questioningly. "What?" He asked her curiously.

Frosttail gulped down the guilt from what she was about to do. "Oh, uh, I just was thinking of how I love my life." Frosttail lied in reply, giving a fake purr to make him believe her more.

Brownfeather's tail curled up with happiness, and he pressed up against her. "Yeah, life is good." He mewed with joy, twining his tail with hers.

For a moment, the emptiness inside of her lifted.

It was like an addiction, she just couldn't stop killing. She was too good at it as well. Frosttail would find out when to kill them, and then she would attack and take the killing bite. They wouldn't even know what hit them.

Every time, she would lick the blood off with satisfaction, menace, and glee.

So far she has killed three TreeClan cats, one GrassClan cat, four BlossomClan cats, and two DewClan kits. Adding up to ten cats in total.

The Clans were starting to become panicked and confused. Every cat feared for their life whenever they were simply on a hunting patrol. But no one had a clue on who it was.

Frosttail was purring as she was curled up against Brownfeather, as long as she was careful, she could keep killing until she was satisfied.

But Frosttail could feel her hunger growing, and she would have to start killing one cat a week to satisfy the hunger for blood.

Sometimes though, Frosttail would be filled with despair and guilt. She would be filled with this when her kits started to get worried about all the missing cats. Frosttail didn't like it when her kits were afraid.

There were theories flying around about who was making the cats disappear. None of them were even close to guessing it was her.

Everything was successful until one horrible leaf-fall night.

Forbidden Love-I Killed them all...~~COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now