Chapter 4~The Strange Cat

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Frosttail sniffed uncertainly as the cat stood still. She opened her jaws to try and establish a scent, but the wind was blowing in the opposite direction. Frosttail got to her paws anxiously as the cat started to pad closer to her.

"Who are you?" Frosttail meowed firmly.

The cat just walked forward until he was close enough for her to see his features. He was a stunning tortoiseshell tom, with forest green eyes. Frosttail took a step back in surprise.

"Why hello." The tom had a deep, soothing voice.

Frosttail was lost for words as she stared at the handsome young tom in front of her.

He laughed, a deep gentle laugh,"Aren't you gonna say anything?" The tom asked.

Frosttail blinked in surprise, then straightened up and mewed, "You're on Grassclan territory!"

"I'm Oakfur." The tom introduced himself.

"I-erm- don't wanna know your name! Just get off before I make you!" Frosttail stuttered.

She took a menacing step toward Oakfur, hissing with menace. Her shoulder hairs were up from rage, this cat needed to leave the territory now.

Oakfur stood his ground, his fur relaxed. He snorted in amusement then stepped until he was a whisker-length away from her face. She got a whiff of sweet sap and oak trees.

This cat is from TreeClan! Frosttail thought in surprise.

"Oh, come on! Why can't I know the name of a pretty she-cat like you?" Oakfur purred charmingly. He walked around her right flank, brushing his fur along her flank. Frosttail blinked in surprise, as a strange feeling of pleasure passed through her as he touched her.

He circled her until he was facing her again. "So, what is your name?" Oakfur asked, purring.

"F-Frosttail," she replied, surprised at herself.

Oakfur purred charmingly. "That's a nice name." He mewed.

Frosttail was filled with pleasure at his words. No! Why am I feeling this way? She thought in despair. But she couldn't help but feel pleasure when talking to this tom from a different Clan.

"Well, I should probably be heading back. It's moonhigh already, hopefully I'll see you at a gathering." Oakfur meowed.

He bounded off without waiting for her reply.

Frosttail watched him go sadly, slowly laying numbly to the ground.

What is this feeling? Frosttail thought numbly as she curled up for sleep. Whatever the feeling was it made her feel really warm inside.


Frosttail strutted into camp with two huge hares. Her sun-high hunting patrol was successful as well. Bringing back plenty of food for the Clan.

Yowls of surprise greeted them as they padded into their camp.

"Nice job!" Brownfeather praised the patrol.

Frosttail dropped off her prey on the fresh-kill pile. Her heart still felt light from the night before. She had went to the same place, by the TreeClan border and waited. Oakfur had come again, this time filling her with confidence in herself. Also giving her compliments as they walked by the stream that marked the border.

She could still remember the feel of his warm flank against hers. His tongue against her fur, as he groomed her. She remembered as he nuzzled her affectionately. She was in love.

She couldn't deny it.

She really liked him.

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