~Basic information~

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A/N :
Hello to everyone whoever are reading this!

This is an Indian Romantic Story.

About Ishita Singhaniya & Rajvir Khanna.

Before anything serious, here is a note from the couple star :

Hello! We are your star couple, Ishita Singhaniya & Rajvir Khanna! I hope you guys love our story, & the beloved author of this story. We promise you that this story will be at limit of cheezinessss & cringe. So no worries! Haha! I hope you enjoy this story! & Don't forget to shower us & our author from your love!!


All the pictures, videos, GIFs, belong to their rightful owners. & That therefore I don't own any of them.

Any name, or incidents that take place in the story are FICTIONAL. & That therefore, if anything that happens in this story book, is related to any real life incidents then it's pure COINCIDENCE.

All positive & negative comments are welcome. But, just please make sure that they are not so harsh, that it hurts the author till the end.

Any kind of hate towards someone will not be tolerated. & That i request you to not spread hate towards one. Whether it's about a character, or its background story. If you want to say something, as your opinion about this, then kindly message me in private chat. & I repeat ANY KIND OF HATE TOWARDS SOMEONE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.

Anyone copying this story & uploading it in their name will not be tolerated as well. & That, I guess if you do your work heartily rather than copying someone's work, will be great. & Therefore, I guess you will do great than I will do. So please do not copy my work.

This story is Pure Fictional. Not any part of this story is true. It is a story on true love & humanity, which we all need desperately.

I have made alot of thinking before uploading my work here. Thinking whether this story will disappoint you or make you happy, or teach you a lesson. But so to let you know that I have tried my best to not disappoint you & waste your time.

|© 2021 @Fangirl1066 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED|

I hope you guys enjoy reading this romantic story, as much as I enjoyed writing it.


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