Chapter 16

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          Lots of people want to ride with you in limo.
But, you need someone who will help you catch a bus.

-Oprah Winfrey.


The night went by in a blink as sleep had taken over for Ishita & Rajvir.

Ishita had decided to meet Myra first thing in the morning. & She will try her best to convince her, & be friends again.

Next day

Ishita got up at sharp 7:30am when her alarm rang. She did her routine, then went downstairs as usual.

It was 9:45am when she went downstairs, as everyone were sitting in the living room.

"Hey, sweetie are you going somewhere?" Hema asked as she wiped her wet hands in a towel & looked at her.

"Um, yeah to Myra's house" Ishita said while wearing her heels.

"Okay, but at least have your breakfast" Hema said.

"Don't worry, I will buy something in the cafe. Take care" Ishita said, as she rushed out of the house. She then took a taxi to Myra's house.

She rang the doorbell & stood there revising her lines in her mind.

A few moments later, Myra's mom opened the door. She greeted her as usual. But, Ishita knew it was a fake greeting. But, she let it slide as she asked if Myra was home.

"Yes she is. You can go upstairs, I will bring something for you" saying this Myra's mom left to kitchen.

Ishita slowly went up to her room, she again revised her lines in her mind before knocking on the door.

She could hear some voices inside the room. Like, Myra was talking to someone over the phone.

She opened the door, & as thought she was talking to someone on her phone. Ishita nervously smiled.

Myra raged up, as she was going to bang the door on her face when Ishita kept her hand on the door. & Said,

"Listen to me once, I came here to apologize" Ishita said, & Myra looked at her. Still in anger.

"Whatever. Tell your nonsense fast & get out" Myra said as she went towards her bed & stood there.

Ishita was surprised at her behaviour, & unhappy too as she was the reason behind her behaviour. The sweet, shy girl was now looking like arrogant-brat.

Ishita went inside, & stood across from her. As she knew she wouldn't ask for her to sit down & explain.

She looked at Myra to observe her face. The only thing she could see was anger. Nothing else. As she started,

"I am sorry. I shouldn't have slapped you, but you too shouldn't have said such things..." She said the last sentence more like a whisper, but Myra was able to hear it.

"So you are telling me that you will forgive me if I tell you sorry too? Huh? In your dreams!" Myra said, & crossed her arms & looked far away in the wall.

"See... I know, that you had feelings for Rajvir &, maybe just maybe you still have them for him. But, you calling me indirectly slut wasn't good. Tell me if Karan's ex gf came & tells you the same, what will be your reaction? Same as mine right?" Ishita said, as she looked at her friend.

"I am not telling you that it's your fault. No, I am just telling you that we both are at faults. I am at fault by slapping you, & you are at fault by calling me slut. Not directly but, indirectly."

"& You being angry yesterday was fine. Like, I mean you had all the rights to be angry, but just know that I don't want to marry Rajvir in the first place" Ishita said, & Myra looked at her.

"Yes, I don't want to marry him. But, before I could even explain you the whole situation, you just called me things that will make any girl angry!" Ishita said, as Myra lowered her head.

"Then why are you marrying Rajvir?" Myra asked after a few minutes of silence.

"My parents made me do so. They think he is the one for me, & you know that I never go against my parents choice, that too in marriage things" Ishita said, as she crossed her arms.

"& Did Rajvir's parents agree?"

"I don't know excatly, but they had come & met my parents day before yesterday. My mom & my dad had talked to his parents in private."

"I see... But, do you love him?"

"Ha! Never. Who knows when he will leave again right?" Ishita said, before Myra could say something Myra's mom came with a tray. There were some biscuits, juice/water.

Myra's mom kept it on Myra's bed, & smiled at both of them & left.

"& Before you could ask anything else, let me eat this. I didn't even have breakfast" Ishita said, as she sat down on Myra's bed & started stuffing biscuits inside her mouth.

Myra chuckled at her & shook her head as she told her to eat slowly.


On the other hand, Rajvir was hanging out with Rohit & Ronit.

"Bro, what dishes will be available in your wedding?" Rohit, the foodie asked.

"Hmm, you tell" Rajvir said, as he opened a chips packet & shared it with them.

"Rasgulla, gulab jamun, raas malayi, faloda--" Rohit didn't get to complete his sentence as Ronit interrupted him,

"Man, you are only talking about sweets! Talk about, biryani, Shawarma, butter chicken, chilli chicken, kabab" Ronit said as his mouth hung open, drooling.

Rajvir started laughing at his friends, as they looked at him with a blank face.

"You.... You people.... Should open a restaurant... & I am sure... It won't run..." Rajvir said between his laughs, while both of them looked confused at him.

*& Care to explain why it won't run?" Ronit asked.

"Because you both will eat up all the food!" Rajvir said in one breath, as he laughed out hard.

Both, Rohit & Ronit looked at him embarrassed.

Rajvir stopped laughing, as he looked at them they had turned red from embarrassment.

"You both didn't get the joke!" Rajvir said, & laughed again & this time Rohit & Ronit joined him too.

Love is insane. When both the persons are together, miracle happens.

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