Chapter 10

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           It won't be a blessing,
                        If you don't belong to me.


Rajvir was really very happy that his future in-laws accepted him as the groom for their daughter. & Will talk to his parents. Hopefully, Rajvir will only have to focus on making Ishita feel what love is like.

& On the other hand, Ishita was tensed. She was going to marry someone she didn't love. Someone who had left her in the childhood, & came to leave her again. She was scared that he can leave at any time & come back any time as if it was a game for him.

Only if she knew what were the real reasons.

Ishita's family was happy to have Rajvir as their groom, they always wished for him to be their son-in-law. In their eyes, he was the charming prince for their daughter, Cinderella.

Every girl has thought about her dream wedding once in her lifetime. & So, Ishita had also did.

She didn't want a grand wedding. She just wanted a simple wedding, with a lots of happiness. She always dreamt of marrying the person she loves, she admires. But never in her dream she had thought it would be the betrayer Rajvir.

In her eyes, he was a betrayer. A betrayer, who had left his childhood best friends, without any warning. A betrayer, that made his best friend fall in love with him. & Then leave her, in tears.

But, in his eyes, she was a princess. A princess who is loyal. A princess, who would put her family first than herself. A princess who would love others like no tomorrow. A princess who deserves all the happiness in the world.

& When a betrayer & princess comes together, beacuse of two things which can never change, fate & love, they are many things to come in they way.


After talking to his love's parents, he went back to his home.

Only to be greeted with a tight hug, by his mother.

He too hugged her back tightly. He was so happy that he wanted to express it to his mother with a tight hug.

"How did it go?" Rita, Rajvir's mother asked.

Rajvir explained everything to her, except for the part where she had told him that she doesn't love him. Even thinking about it would bring tears in his eyes, but he knew that, he can't be weak at this time. He needed to prove to her that he truly loves her.

Only if he knew, that she didn't love him because he had left her, & was scared that will leave her again.

"That's good, I will go & talk to your father about meeting" Rita said, & smiled at Rajvir who was excitedly punching in the air.

After Rita left, he went to his room & laid down on his bed & muttered,

"New beginning."


After Rajvir left Ishita's house, Ishita ran upstairs to her room.

Her parents frowned looking at her behaviour. They thought, she should be happy but she looked like she didn't even wanted this, to happen, not even in her dreams.

Ishita's father, Harshit, motioned Hema to go & check up on Ishita to know what was wrong.

Hema knocked on the door, hearing no response she entered the room. Only to worry more.

She saw Ishita laid on her chest, & crying her heart out in the pillow. & Screaming.

Hema thought for awhile to think, if she should go & talk to her or let her be on her own.

Hema decided to talk to her, as no mother would want their child to cry like this.

Hema quietly sat down on the bed, & rubbed her back.

"Ishita..." She called out. She saw that her sobs were slowly becoming quiet.

Ishita sat up, & kept the pillow on her lap, & looked at the floor.

"Do you want to talk about it, beta?" Ishita's mom, Hema asked.

{Beta : child}

"Mom... I don't love him..." Ishita started.

Hema didn't interrupt her, she listened to her like any other mother would.

"He... He proposed me, I clearly said him that I don't love him... But he still came here &... Talked to you guys... So confidently..." She paused & looked at her mom.

"Are you sure you don't love him?" Hema was direct.

"I... I don't know mom.... Who knows if he leaves me again.... Like he did in the past"

"Did you love him at that time?"

"No... But, I had started liking him.... But Myra loved him so I buried that liking in my heart, deep..."

"Then, why aren't you happy? You should be happy. & As far as I know, he is your first crush right?"

Ishita blushed, talking to her mom about her love interests.

"But... What if he leaves again?"

"He won't. I know Rajvir. Remember when he was with you when you had a high fever?"

Ishita nodded. As the flashback started.


(When Ishita was 5, & Rajvir 6)

It was cold that day. Ishita had not come to school. & This was making Rajvir worried about her. He decided to go to her house as soon as school ends.

He rang the doorbell to her house, & waited.

Her mother came & opened the door, & smiled a bit at him.

"Hello Aunty, how are you?"

"I am fine beta, come inside"

Rajvir sat down on the sofa. & Looked around, wondering where was Ishita.

"Looking for Ishita?" Ishita's mother, Hema asked.

"She is upstairs. She has high fever, that's--"

Hema didn't get to complete her sentence, as she saw Rajvir rushing upstairs towards Ishita's room.

Hema followed him.

Rajvir burst the door opened, & looked at Ishita, who was sleeping with a cold water cloth on her forehead.

He took & chair & sat down next to her bed, holding her hand.

"Beta, you shouldn't go near her, you will get infected"

"But, she is my best friend. I can't leave her. Not when she needs me"

Rajvir said, & kissed her forehead, & her hand.

Hema smiled, walked out of the room.


It was already night, & Rajvir had not left her even for a moment. He was still there holding her hand, & silently praying for her.

Hema went upstairs, & opened the door.

"Beta, its--" she cutted off herself when she saw him sleeping beside her bed.

She smiled, & carried Rajvir & made him sleep on the bed, beside Ishita.

& That's when she knew, that this boy was perfect for her daughter.

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