Chapter 41

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      Everything feels amazing, when you are with your love.


Ishita's POV~

Right now, I am sitting on my bed with my two besties, Myra, & Riddhi.

Myra & Riddhi already knew eachother since childhood. The three girls used to hang out, at the Khanna mansion very often, but it got all separated when Riddhi moved out, without notice, just like Rajvir. Varun used to have a crush over Riddhi, but never confessed as he was sure that she won't have feelings for him, & that love can't be forced, it comes naturally. A part of me, was happy, that my brother is so understanding, & the another part was angry, that how can he be so sure when he didn't even ask her about it? But, I didn't interfere, it was my brother's matter, as he didn't interfere in my & Rajvir's story, I wouldn't interfere in his, & maybe Riddhi's story.

I was still a bit scared that what if Myra gets angry or upset by me? Because Rajvir was her first ever crush. But, I guess I should keep that thought away, as she is now married to Karan, he is handsome, a rich guy like Rajvir, & I am sure, that Myra loves Karan now, rather than being still in love with Rajvir, right?

I had to convince Rajvir that we will go on a date at 7pm rather than 11am in the morning, he looked unconvinced, but nevertheless he didn't argue with it, & just said okay. I know, he must have been excited about being with me the whole day, but I had more important thing to do, confess my love for him.

"So what help you wanted?" Riddhi asked, making me come out of my thoughts.

I took a deep breath & looked at both, Riddhi & Myra who were looking back at me, with curiousity in their eyes.

"I want to confess my love--" as Ishita was about to complete her sentence, Riddhi interrupted her asking, "who?" Ishita made an annoyed face by her interruption, but nonetheless, answered, "your brother, Rajvir Khanna" She said in a shy, & bold tone.

"Ohhhhhh" Both Myra & Riddhi said in unison. & Looked at eachother, giving a knowing look to one & another.

"Yeah, so I need help with that" Ishita said, & eyes them with her cutest puppy eyes ever.

They looked at her & sighed, as Myra asked,

"Tell us, what can we do for you?" Once again both, Myra & Riddhi said in unison, & hi-fi ed one & another.

"Okay so here is the plan" Ishita started telling her plan, which made her besties amused, that her bestie, Ishita was so romantic. As far as they knew, she didn't like anyone who were romantic as heck, & she didn't like romantic things at all. But, time changes everything, from people's habits, to people's life.

"& Then I will tell him that I love him, how does it sound?" Ishita finished her romantic love-confessing plan, & looked at her besties, trying to figure out from their expressions that how was her plan.

Honestly, I feel nervous about this whole thing. Last night me & Rajvir made love, & now me confessing love to him, is just... I don't even know, how to describe it. & I am very sure, that once I see Rajvir in front of me again, I will be nervous as hell, but I need to be brave, if not for me, then at least for my poor heart, who is begging me to confess my love, & Rajvir.

Maybe I am going fast about everything that's happening in life, but I can't pause it, can I? We just need to go with the flow, to get to the right path.

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