Chapter 39

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when your loved one is angry on you, you gotta pamper them with kisses.


Ishita waited the whole night, but Rajvir was nowhere to be seen.

Ishita stood up abruptly from the sofa, & ran upstairs towards their room.

She banged the door closed, & plopped herself down on the bed, & cried her heart out.

Why did he ditch her? Did this date meant nothing to him like before? Was it all a trap? Does she mean nothing to him now? He just wanted to marry her & then let her bear the humiliation that his father did, & then ditch her on their very first date after marriage? Was I just a toy for him?

Even though he didn't take her virginity from her, Ishita still felt hurt that he ditched her. She still felt hurt that there was something more important than her to him.

After hours of crying she rubbed her swollen eyes, & went for a shower.

She did her shower, came out of the bathroom, & saw Rajvir in a black suit, talking to someone on his phone.

When he saw Ishita, he said something on the phone, & hung up, not waiting for the person's reply.


Ishita's POV~

Seeing him standing in front of me, with me staring at him with an emotionless face.

I didn't knew what to feel. Angry? Happy like before? Nervous? Sad? Anxious?

The only thing I felt when I saw him was pain. In pain there is anger & sadness, & that is excatly what I felt when I saw him.

I ignored his presence & went towards the closet, picked out my outfit & went inside the bathroom again, to change.

I came out in my outfit & saw him now sitting on the edge of the bed. I sighed, which got his attention. I just went towards the dressing table & wore my red & green colour bangles.

I saw him approaching me, from the mirror reflection.

"Ishita... I am so sorry.." Rajvir said, & stared at me. When I looked into his eyes from the mirror reflection, his eyes were saying me sorry.

But, I was not going to forgive him so easily. I ignored what he said, & started walking towards the door, but stopped when I heard him say,

"One more step, & I will throw you over my shoulder & shower you with kisses. Trust me, I won't stop once I start" He said, danger in his voice. I smiled, & turned around, & looked straight in his eyes & said,

"Go ahead. I challenge you, it won't make me stop being angry with you, instead it would make me more angry on you" I said & walked out of the room, leaving him standing there dumbfounded.


What does he think of himself? He will threaten & I will back off? Ha! In his dreams!

After when I left the room, I came down to sleep on the couch. Yes, you read it right, I will be sleeping on couch. There's no way I will be sleeping beside him, when I am angry on him so much that I would kill him.

Before I could go to the couch, I went inside a room where all pillows, blankets, bedsheets are. I took a pillow & a thick blanket & headed towards the living room couch.

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