Chapter 21

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     Having everything doesn't gives happiness. But, having someone who loves us than anything, makes us feel happy.


After having the shower she went out of the bathroom, & settled down in first of her hair dresser, & applied all her daily using products. Just as she was combing her hair, Rajvir entered, without knocking.

She looked at him for a brief second, then averted her gaze & did her work.

While, Rajvir thought of what she must be thinking about the kiss. Rajvir went towards her bed, & sat down. He saw Ishita looking at him, more like glaring. But, kept quiet.

Rajvir was getting bored, just sitting there & watching his fiancee combing her hair so he asked,

"Shall we go out somewhere? Together?"

Ishita acted like she was thinking, but she was actually thinking if he will take advantage of her just like before.

"Will you take advantage of me?" Ishita asked with narrowed eyes.

Rajvir widened his eyes, as he was stunned to hear such thing from her.

"Ishita no. I didn't knew that if I get my morning kiss in a naughty way, you would think like that! Just know that I would never take advantage of you, or your body. I love you, your soul, your body everything. But that doesn't mean I would do something like that" Rajvir explained in detail.

Hearing his sweet words, & looking the concern in his eyes for her, she felt guilty. But, masked it with a cold emotion & just nodded her head & walked out of the room.

"Will she ever trust me?" Rajvir said to himself looking at the closed door.


Trust is the key to love.

Rajvir thought to first win her trust & then, eventually she will fell for him. But, only if he knew that what he is thinking isn't that easy.

Ishita decided to go to amusement park, & Rajvir being the gentleman, agreed to it.

The ride to the amusement park was in silence. Both of them in deep thoughts. One was thinking to gain her trust, while the other was thinking when he will tell her the reason.

Both of them stopped in the front gate of amusement park. Ishita didn't wait for Rajvir, as she opened the door herself & walked towards the ticket counter. While Rajvir followed her running, shouting at her to wait for him. But, she didn't listen.

Rajvir pulled her towards him, when he finally reached her.

"I told you to not run" Rajvir said while panting hard from all the running he had done.

"Do I look like I care?" Ishita asked.

It would be a lie, if Rajvir was not hurt by her words. Ishita yanked her hand from his grip, & went towards a ride.

Rajvir sighed & followed her.

At this point he didn't knew what to do. If she was acting so cold towards him, then maybe he would do something which he might regret later.

Ishita was the only one enjoying. While Rajvir was being like a puppet who was following her everywhere she was going, & telling her to wait for him. By the end of the day, Rajvir was hella tired & angry too. On himself for asking her out to spend some time with her.

Finally they plopped themselves down on a nearby bench. If he was not angry enough before, then what Ishita said him had made him more angry,

"Can you get me an ice cream?" Ishita had asked. & At this point he burst out,

"Am I a puppet to you!? The whole day I was following you everywhere you went, caring for you! Don't you feel sad for me!? Do you even think I am a human too?!" Rajvir literally shouted at her, she was shocked but played it cool,

"It's just a beginning. Prepare yourself for the future" She said, & walked towards the car.


The ride was silent as usually. One was angry. & One was mentally celebrating her success.

20 minutes later, they arrived at Ishita's house.

Ishita opened the car door, without looking at him, & entered her house.

Rajvir stayed there for a while, staring at the closed door in deep thought.

"What did she exactly mean?" He muttered under his breath to himself, & drove off to his house.

He straight went towards his room, instead of answering the questions his mother asked him about his day.

He laid down on his bed, & shut his eyes close. The words that came out of her mouth were continuously ringing in his ears. As he was deep in his own world, rang. He picked it up not checking the caller ID.


"Rajvir what are you doing?" Ronit asked.

"Thinking" Rajvir said.

"About what?"

"About what Ishita said"

"What did Ishita tell?"

"....." Rajvir didn't reply.

"Rajvir?" Ronit called out his name when he didn't hear anything from him.

"RAJVIR!" Ronit shouted at his phone.

"What?" Rajvir said,snapped out of his thoughts.

"I am calling you for so long! & What the hell did Ishita tell?!"

Rajvir sighed again, & told him everything.

"Woah, this girl is on another level, man" Ronit said.

"What should I do to win her trust?" Rajvir asked, frustrated.

"Be yourself. Don't do anything that she doesn't like. I guess, then it will work"

"& What if it doesn't?"

"Then, wait for the marriage"

"After marriage?"

"Be homeless"


"Yeah! If she gets angry after the marriage, she will probably kick you out of the house. So, don't make her angry or annoyed."

"& If she does that after the marriage then what should I do?"

"Well, you have multiple options. First of all, you are handsome & anyone will let you live in there house. But, the thing is if they have a daughter they will make you marry her"

"& If that happens I will kick your ass"

"How is it my fault?"

"It's your fault for making me think stupid things!" Rajvir said, & hung up.

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