Chapter 36

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Himmat nahi jut Rahi hai, kai Mai tumse kaisai kahu I love you.


After having shower, & dressing up in the saree which Rita gave Ishita, Ishita made her way downstairs.

She smiled when she saw her mother-in-law.

"Come here" Rita said, & walked towards the kitchen followed by Ishita.

Rita told the sweet recipe to Ishita, & Ishita followed each step carefully. & After a half an hour of cooking & following all the instructions, Ishita was finally done with it. She decorated it with some powered sugar (A/N: you make think of what sweet dish you would like to make.) & Then, putted some in each bowl/plate for everyone. Rita smiled at Ishita & gestured for her to go ahead & give it to everyone. Ishita smiled back at her, she took all the plates & placed them on a big tray, & headed towards the dinning table. Everyone were already seated there, she smiled at everyone, & placed the plates in front of them, filled with sweets.

Ranvir, Ishita's father-in-law, took the first bite of the sweet, & spitted it out. Everyone looked at them shocked. While Ranvir made a disgusted face, & looked at Ishita in anger.

"What happened?" Rita asked, looking at him, worried yet shocked at the same time.

"It's waste! No one will like it!" Ranvir said, & stormed out of the dinning room towards his office room.

Ishita was trying hard to control her tears. Rajvir took a bite of the sweet she made, & spitted it out too, with a disgusted face.

Rita looked at Ishita with concerned eyes, & took a bite of the sweet too.

"Ishita, are you sure you put 2 spoons only of sugar in it?" Rita asked.

"Yes ma, you were there when I was putting all the ingredients" Ishita said, & looked at Rajvir who had his head hung low, & palms into fists, & eyes closed.

"Yes I was there, then how can it be so sweet?" Rita asked to herself while looking at the spitted sweet.

Ishita couldn't take it anymore, she ran upstairs & went inside the bathroom, & locked herself up & cried silently.

Rajvir came to their room & looked everywhere inside that if Ishita is there.

When he didn't found her, he put his one hand inside his hairs & gripped it hard, controlling his anger.

He then heard soft sobs coming from the bathroom. He sighed in relief, & went towards the bathroom door.

"Ishita..." He called. The soft sobs were still to be heard.

"Ishita... It's fine" He said. & Sat down there & leaned on the bathroom door.

The sobs died. & Silence engulfed between them.

After some time, Ishita opened the door, & since Rajvir was leaning on it. He fell backwards. Rajvir rubbed his head, & looked at Ishita & pouted.

Ishita chuckled lightly, & helped him get up.

"So, you okay now?" Rajvir asked, & while putting a strand behind her ear.

She just nodded, & hugged him. Rajvir would be lying if he says he was not shocked, it was the first time she hugged him first. Nevertheless, he hugged her back, making her bones crush. Ishita coughed due to the tight hug, & Rajvir quickly pulled away & looked at her with concerned eyes.

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