Chapter 17

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                 Meeting you was fate,
      Becoming your friend was a choice,
   But falling in love with you was beyond
                        My control.


Everything was back to normal. But, for Harshit it wasn't. He had called Ranvir for 1 more day, & Harshit was surprised when he agreed for it. But, he had one doubt,

Did he get to know that his wife was giving the money?

Past 2 days, Harshit would go to temple & silently pray that everything should go well.

& Today was the day, when Harshit will be giving the money to Ranvir.

Rita had already transferred the amount in Harshit's back account. Harshit reached the cafe where Ranvir had asked him to come. Harshit sat down on one of the tables. A few minutes later he could see Ranvir coming in a suit from the window.

Ranvir started looking around for Harshit while his hands were inside his pocket. He could see Harshit waving at him, as he walked up to him & eyed him up & down.

"So, want me to treat your daughter like trash?" Ranvir asked confidently.

"Well, have a seat first" Harshit said, as he eyed him to sit. Ranvir sighed & sat down across from him.

"So tell me, are you here to beg? Haha" Ranvir said, & laughed.

Harshit controlled his anger, as he gave him a tight lipped smile.

"Well, as we had a deal that if I don't pay you the amount you asked me to, then you will treat my daughter like trash. & So, as a father of a princess I can't let that happen" Harshit said, as he leaned on the table & whispered the last part, "the money you wanted me to give you is ready, Ranvir Khanna"

Ranvir looked at him as if he was joking, & started laughing again. He stopped, & said,

"So, you mean that you a middle-class man has 5 lakhs? Yeah, probably in your dream" Ranvir said, as he leaned back on the chair.

"Well, maybe now you will think I am not joking" Harshit said, as he took a bag from under the table, & gave it to Ranvir.

"So, you think I am gonna believe you? Who knows these might be fake" Ranvir said a bit shocked but composed himself.

"Well, that's your duty to get to know. & If you want you can check it in front of me. & If they are fake, I will just cancel the marriage but won't let you treat my daughter like trash, Ranvir"

Ranvir panicked a bit at seeing Harshit's confidence. But, called someone who was his PA to check the money if it's fake or not.

The PA arrived, as he took his time to check with the money check machine. After a total of 20 minutes, he nodded his head towards Ranvir indicating the money was not fake.

"What... How..." Ranvir didn't knew how to react when his plan had backfired him.

"I told you, I won't let anyone treat my daughter like trash" Harshit said confidently.

"Where did you get this much money from?" Ranvir asked.

"None of your business. You wanted the money, & you got it. Now, let's be polite enough & discuss about the marriage" Harshit said, as he got up.

"Sharp 8pm, on Monday. Only to discuss marriage preparations," Harshit said, as he leaned near Ranvir's ear & whispered, "don't underestimate me" he said, & when he was satisfied with the look he wanted on Ranvir's face, he walked out of the cafe. But not before hearing,

"It's just the beginning. There's more to come, but now after marriage"


Only if Rajvir knew his Dad's intentions then maybe he had disowned him. But, he didn't knew a single thing & thought that his dad was great. But, we all know that what we see isn't always true. Rajvir was blinded by the pampering his dad was doing, constantly teasing about the marriage, & talking only about marriage. This made Rajvir think, that he had already accepted Ishita as his daughter-in-law. Rita was trying hard to not tell Rajvir the truth of his father. The truth behind his pampering. & The truth behind a dark secret.

While on the other hand, Ishita was thinking about how to make Rajvir spill the beans. Last time when she had tried, he only said he loved her & will tell when time comes. But, each & every minute was like a year for her. Today, she thought she should invite Rajvir over & directly ask him to spill the beans.

Ishita had already called Rajvir to come over, & he had said he will be there at any moment.

As a car pulled over in front of Ishita's house, as Ishita looked out of her window from her room.

Rajvir came out of the car, & looked over her window & when he saw her already looking at him, he smiled widely & waved. While, Ishita too slowly waved.


Rita was in the room when Ranvir entered.

She faked a smile at him. While, in return Ranvir smiled back genuinely at her.

"You are happy with this marriage right?" Rita asked after folding his clothes & keeping them in the cupboard.

"Of course! Anything for my kids" Ranvir lied. & Rita knew, but she couldn't say anything now to offend him.

"That's good. Hema asked us to come at 8pm on Monday for engagement discussion" Rita said as she sat down beside him on the bed.

"I see, did you buy the ring for her?" Ranvir asked, as if he didn't knew they had to go.

"No, not yet. Let's go tomorrow for the rings along with them. Like that we will get to know more about them" Rita faked excitement, but from inside she was raging in anger by all his constant lies.

"Yeah, sure" Ranvir said, as he smiled at her.

Only if she knew how middle-class families were, he thought.


"Spill the beans now" Ishita said stubbornly & sat down on her bed, while Rajvir chuckled at her behaviour & sat beside her.

Instead of telling her why he left her, he pulled her close to him by her waist, while she grasped & gulped.

Both looked in each others eyes, one's heart was beating fast, & one's heart was melting with her in his arms.

Their lips were inches away from each other's. As Rajvir was trying hard to not taste them, but he did what his heart wanted. Ishita could feel his lips on her's. Rajvir was happy & felt butterflies in his stomach when she slowly kissed him back.

While both were in their own worlds, they could hear someone clearing their throat. Ishita tried pushing him, but he didn't budge. This time when the sound of clearing the throat was louder, Rajvir pulled away & looked at the person. It was Hema & Harshit.

Ishita looked down in embarrassment, while Rajvir rubbed the back of his neck & smiled nervously at them.

Both, Hema & Harshit laughed at their red faces & told Rajvir & Ishita to come down for dinner, & left.

Rajvir stood up & looked at Ishita who was as red as tomato. He went towards the door & looked back at her once more, as he whistled to grab her attention when he successfully did, he winked at her & blew a kiss in the air on her. She looked down, & Rajvir smiled widely after seeing her smile as he went downstairs.

After a while Ishita too joined them.

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