Chapter 45- Epilogue.

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      Everything always ends well. In a good way or in a bad way.


Third person's POV~

5 years later~

"Akansha!" Ishita called. & A cute little girl whose age was 4 years old, came slowly with a doll in her hands.

"Beta, where were you?" Ishita asked.

"Ma, I was with Papa." Akansha said, as a tall man came behind her, with a baby boy in his arms.

"Rajvir, I am telling you, you are spoiling Akansha!" Ishita said, & cleaned up the mess Akansha had made.

"Yes, cause she is my girl, & I have all the rights to spoil her. Right baby?" Rajvir asked Akansha, as she nodded her small head.

Ishita chuckled, & started folding the clothes.

"Baby, go outside with your baby brother, I will come in a few minutes." Rajvir said, & Akansha once again nodded & fist bumped Rajvir, & went towards her grandmother with her baby brother, (baby brother's name- Aryan.)

Rajvir closed the room door once he was sure that the kids had left & went towards Ishita & hugged her from back. & Started placing small kisses on her neck.

"What are you doing?" Ishita said.

"Loving you." Rajvir said, & continued his business.

Ishita gently removed his hands from her bare waist, & turned around with an angry expression.

"You are spoiling them." Ishita said.

"Who am I spoiling?" Rajvir acted innocent.

"Kids." Ishita said.

"Ishita, they are kids. & Kids are born to be spoiled." Rajvir said, & Ishita sighed thinking there was no use of talking to him.

"It's been 5 years since we married & still you are the same." Ishita said.

"I never change." Rajvir said, as he plopped himself down on the bed & played with his phone.

"As you say. I am going down to prepare lunch." Ishita said, & kept all the folded clothes in the cupboard & walked out of the room.

"She is so engrossed in the present living, that she forgot it's our anniversary tomorrow." Rajvir said to himself.

'i gotta do something' Rajvir thought dialled the person's number who is expert in suprises.

"Karan." Rajvir said, as he planned what to do for the Anniversary.


Ishita thought of making puri & cholai.

(--- an Indian dish.)

She did everything she needed to do, & after 30 minutes she was done with the lunch.

She made some sweet as desert.

After serving the food on the dinning table she called everyone to come down & that lunch is ready.

Everyone came down & Ishita served everyone, & took her seat beside Rajvir. She helped Akansha eat her food. & Aryan was already sleeping so she let him sleep.

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