Chapter 5

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                       I don't know what to
               Think when you are not
                       By my side.


~The next day~

Love is crazy right? A person who used to be honest, would lie for their love. A person would never stole anything, would stole for their love. A person who never believed in fairytales would believe in them for their love. Love makes us take twist & turns, ups & downs all together. That's why we say that love always takes you on the right path.


That's what happened with Rajvir too.

But, it never happened to Ishita.

Ishita always believed & has followed, that she will marry only the choice of her parents & therefore she would never go against them.

While on the other hand, Rajvir was planning how to go against his dad's wills. He loved Ishita, & dad didn't like that girl for him at all!

Rajvir sighed tiredly, & stared at the wall.

His room was colored in blue, with golden tiles. His bed was a kind size bed, & the room would not be less called then luxurious.

Should I talk to mom? Rajvir thought.

Yes I should I guess, after all mothers are expert in love. Rajvir thought.

Rajvir's mother, Rita, knew each & every little secret of Rajvir. Rajvir loved his mother more than anything.

Rajvir got up from his bed, & walked to the kitchen where his mother was preparing breakfast.

"Good morning mom" Rajvir said, & back hugged her mother.

His mother kissed him on the forehead & replied,

"Good morning beta"

{Beta : Son}

"Mom, I want to ask something to you" Rajvir said, & sat on the dinning table.

"What is it?" Rita asked, & sat across from his son on the dinning table.

"Mom.... I like a girl...." Rajvir said slowly, as he was afraid what his mother's reaction will be.

"What...? What is her name?" Rita asked, totally shocked.

"Mom... Ishita" Rajvir said.

"Son, you know that your dad doesn't like her for you. But, don't be disappointed I promise I will find a girl who will be way better than Ishita" Rita said worriedly.

"But, mom she won't be Ishita right? & Ishita is my first love & will be my last. No matter what you guys do, I will marry her. Sooner or later, but I will. & Now I am going to talk to dad" Rajvir said, & stood up from his chair walking towards his dad's office room.

"But, beta listen to me--" before Rita could complete her sentence Rajvir had already entered the room.

Rajvir walked inside the room.

"Rajvir... Come, sit." Rajvir's dad, Ranvir, said & gestured Rajvir to sit on the sofa.

"So, tell me what brings you here" Ranvir said, & removed his glasses.

"Dad...." Rajvir started.


"I-I- like a g-g-irl" Rajvir shuttered, & cursed himself that he shouldn't have shuttered.

"Rajvir do you know what you are talking about?!" Ranvir yelled at his son, & stood up.

"Yes, I know what I am talking about. I said, I like a girl" Rajvir said confidently.

"What's her name?" Ranvir asked, trying to calm down.

"Ishita Singhaniya" Rajvir said, & smiled a bit.

"Son, you can't marry her. We will find a girl way better than her." Ranvir said, making his son try to understand him.

"But, dad I won't be able to love her the way I do Ishita" Rajvir said.

"Fine, does Ishita love you too?" Ranvir said, giving up.

Rajvir looked at his father stunned, that first in his whole life time his father had agreed to something!

"I don't know. I haven't confessed to her yet, but I will marry her only no matter what" Rajvir said.

"Son, marriage is a big responsibility--" Ranvir was interrupted by his son.

"I know dad. I just know, that I can do it only if love is there" Rajvir said seriously.


"Fine, talk to her first then we will think about it" Ranvir said.

Rajvir smiled widely at his dad, & hugged him tightly.

& Ranvir gladly hugged his son back.

"Son, are you sure about this?" Ranvir asked worriedly.

"Yes dad. I am sure" Rajvir said.

I sincerely apologize for the short chapter.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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Until we meet again,
Lots of love 💕

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