Chapter 19

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              Fate bought us together,
        Now even if fate wants us to separate,
      It won't happen.


Rajvir & Ishita entered Rajvir's room. Rajvir eyed her to sit down on the bed, while Ishita hesitated at first but, sat down anyways.

A few minutes of silence followed by, as Rajvir too sat down.

Ishita's mind was not working, she was only being really very nervous. While on the other hand, Rajvir was thinking about how to start a conversation.

"I.." Ishita started at the same time as Rajvir,

Rajvir smiled a bit at her nervousness, & said,

"You can do first" he said, & waited for her to start.

She looked at him for a while, then said,

"Will you tell me why you left?" She asked, hoping for a good answer. But all she got was,

"It's not the right time" he said.

Hearing at this Ishita felt angry & annoyed.

"Then when is the right time for you?" Ishita asked while crossing her arms.

"The right time is when I am ready. & Right now, I am not ready" he said in a cold tone.

"Ha!" Ishita scoffed. & Sat there looking here & there.

"Is Myra friends with you again?" Rajvir asked, breaking the silence.


"Who said sorry first?"

"None of your business"

"Does she still doesn't want to talk to me?"

"I don't know"

"Are you free tomorrow?"


The short, & cold answers were killing the sweet Rajvir. But, Ishita was angry. Rajvir sighed at her behaviour. He stared at her for a while, then pushed her on the bed & hovered over her.

Ishita panicked & widened his eyes to what he was doing. The way Rajvir was looking at her was making her feel weak. Rajvir also didn't knew what he was doing. The only thing he knew was whenever she was around him, it made him on. Just staring at her was making him go insane.

While on the other hand, Ishita's heart was beating rapidly.

Both stayed in that position for some time until Ishita asked annoyingly,

"Are we going to spend the whole day in this position?"

Rajvir ignored the question, & made her hover him.

"Is this good?" Rajvir whispered in her ear.

The huskily voice of his spend a chill down her spine.

"Wh-what do-do yo-you mean?" Ishita cursed herself for shuttering non - stop.

Again Rajvir ignored her question, & stared at her lips. Ishita followed his gaze, & but her lip.

"Don't do that" Rajvir said again, whispering.

The knock on the door interrupted their all most kiss session.

Ishita moved away from him while he groaned.

Ishita opened the door, & saw Riddhi. She hugged her, as both of them went down, but not before Ishita looking back at the insane yet cute Rajvir.

After some time of thinking, Rajvir too went down to Raghav's room, where Varun was also there.

While, Ishita & Riddhi went to kitchen & drank some water/juice.

"So, what did you guys do?" Riddhi started teasing her.

"First of all, I think your brother is insane"

"&  what makes you think like that?"

"He just hovered over me, then made me hover him, then stared at my lips insanely"

"Ohhhhhhhhhh" Riddhi made a "o" sound for a good 10 seconds. & Then said,

"But, do you know that he loves you from the childhood?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

(A/N: Don't be confused here. Rajvir had said it when he proposed to Ishita. But, at that time she wasn't listening. & Of all the words Rajvir said, she just heard 'will you marry me.')

Riddhi sighed at the thought that her brother didn't told her yet.

"My brother had a crush on you from the very start. & When he is expressing his love for you, you are calling him insane."

"& How do you know that he had a crush on me from the start?"

"Sis, in case you forgot, I am his sister. & A sister knows everything about her brother"

"Ohhhhhhhhhh" this time Ishita made an "o" sound, & bith brust out laughing.

After laughing hard Riddhi said,

"I guess you are the one insane here"

"Why? Because when I laugh I look pretty?"

"No, you look like monkey" Riddhi burst out laughing again.

"You know, the best thing happened to me in this marriage thing is that I got you as my future-sister-inlaw."

Riddhi smiled sweetly at her which she returned.


"Woah, dude you really did that with my sister?" Varun asked.

"For your kind information, she is soon-to-be my wife. In other words she is my fiancée"

"Still. I am her brother you know. A very protective one"

"Whatever. But, can you now tell me what she might be thinking about me? Since you are her brother?"

"I don't know. Girls are difficult to understand, man"

"I guess she must be thinking you are insane" Raghav said.

"Did I really messed it up?" Rajvir asked.

"Yes" both, Raghav & Varun said in unison, & laughed at Rajvir's expression.

"This isn't funny!" Rajvir said, & groaned in frustration. & Left with the thought of, what Ishita must be thinking about him.

Varun & Raghav looked at the closed door, &  then looked at each other & said in unison,

"Love is insane"

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