Chapter 20

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               Love changes everything,
              Even the hate in one's heart.


Later that night Ishita & Varun left the Khanna's mansion.

They rang the doorbell to their house, & waited.

Their mother opened the door, & let them in.

Both were tired so they went straight to their respective rooms.

Ishita laid down in her bed, the sleep was nowhere for her. As her mind keep reminding her about the incident that took place in Rajvir's room, & what Riddhi had said.


•Next day

Ishita woke up, her head aching badly. Last night she didn't knew when she slept, but she was sure that she got hardly any sleep. She rolled on the bed from right to left, from left to right, thinking how to get rid of the pain.

& Just at that moment the Angel knocked on her door, Hema.

"Ishita beta, are you awake?" She asked while knocking. When she heard no voice coming, then she opened the door & saw Ishita's face all reddened.

"Ishita!" Hema whisper-shouted & checked her temperature. & The thing which she didn't want to see was there, Ishita had fever.

"You really went to Rajvir's house yesterday, or ate buckets of ice cream?" She asked annoyed but at the same time worried.

"Ma.... My head... is aching badly" She said, as Hema nodded & made her eat painkillers for head aching.

Ishita's head felt getting heavy as she drives off into a deep slumber.

While Hema took care of her, & even told Rajvir. She knew that he must be very worried & rushing out of his house to get here.


The Singhaniya's house's doorbell started to ring non stop. Hema knew who it was so she opened the door & was attacked with questions,

"How is she? Where is she? Is she okay now? Is the fever still there? Does her head still ache? Please aunty answer" Rajvir said while panting. Hema smiled at him. Her daughter was lucky to have him as her fiancée.

"Why don't you go upstairs to her room & check yourself? & Dear you don't need to be formal, call me mom" Hema said while letting him in. He just nodded & ran upstairs.

The scene happening in the house was bringing the memories back when Rajvir was worried about Ishita when she didn't came to school, & the first thing he did after the school was over, was to check on Ishita.

(A/N: The flashback is given in chapter 10)

Rajvir slowly opened the door, in case she was sleeping he didn't want to disturb her.

There she was. Laying in the bed, with a cold water cloth on her forehead. Just like that day, Rajvir sat beside her & hold a hold of her hand, & gently kissed it. He was praying hard for her to cure soon.

The day was same as before, but the difference was that Ishita knew his feelings for her, & was soon-to-be his lawfully wedded wife.

Soon, Rajvir started to feel sleepy, as he climbed up on her bed & slept beside her, wrapping his arms around her waist & slept dreaming about their future.


Ishita groaned when the sun shines through the window directly on her eyes. She tried to move but, a hard force was pulling her back to do so. She slowly opened her eyes trying to adjust her sight, beacuse of the sunlight.

She saw the face which she didn't except to see. Rajvir's. He was looking devilishly handsome. She frowned when she saw him smiling in his sleep. Soon, she didn't even knew that she was checking him out when the huskily was came,

"If you are done checking me out, then can I have a morning kiss?"

Ishita averted her gaze & looked at the ceiling. She tried moving again, but he pulled her so close to himself that if she moves a bit, then their lips would touch.

"First kiss, then you can go" he whispered in her ears, & stared deep in her eyes. While she did the same. Not knowing what to do, she gave him a peck on the cheek & pushed him. He groaned when he hit the floor.

"God, Ishita" he muttered under his breath while rubbing his butt.

Ishita burst out laughing when she saw, he fell down the bed.

Rajvir looked at her annoyed & said,

"It's not funny, It fucking hurts!" He said, while Ishita tried to stop laughing but she again burst out laughing at him. While he glared at her.

He slowly got up not making any noise, when he saw Ishita closing her eyes & laughing out her heart. He slowly walked towards her, & pulled her by waist. She looked at him, with wide eyes.

"Why don't you laugh now? I will take a good look from here" Rajvir said while staring directly at her lips.

Ishita gulped. & Nervously looked at him.

"Sure I will. But not now" she said while gently removing his hands from her waist. He frowned.

"Why not now?" He said.

"Because I have to do my routine & have breakfast" she said, while pushing him towards the door.

"Okay I get it, but are you still feeling tired?" He said, & stepped towards her & kept his hand on her forehead to check. While she was staring at him, he took the chance & pulled her towards him from her waist & smashed his lips on her's. He kissed her for total 20 seconds. The kiss was slow, gentle & passionate. After that he went out of the room, but not before winking at her with a smirk on his face.

After he left, she touched her lips & looked at the closed door. She blushed, & shook her head, smiling.

"Naughty guy" she muttered under her breath, & went to her bathroom for a shower.

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