Chapter 14

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        When you are missing someone,
        Time seems to move slower.
    & When you are falling in love,
        Time seems to move faster.

-Taylor Swift


"I don't love you anymore. I am getting married. So you don't need to be sorry" Myra said with an emotionless face.

Guilt took over Rajvir. He lowered his eyes.

Ishita sensed the tension between the two, & announced something that made Myra control her tears with a painful smile.

"& Rajvir is getting married too" she said looking at Rajvir.

"To Ishita" came the voice behind Ishita, which made everyone look at the owner of the voice.

It was none other than Varun.

"What?" Myra said out loud.

"So, all this time you loved Rajvir? & You hid it from me, & acted as a good friend, right!?" Myra screamed on top of her lungs at Ishita.

"It's not like that Myra...." She tried walking towards her, in result Myra showed her, her palm. Indicating to stop in her tracks.

Ishita stopped & looked at her.

"I am sure you have even slept with him right!?" Myra shouted, & the next thing Ishita did made everyone in the living room grasp.

She slapped Myra hard, before she could blabber more stupid things.

Ishita was now in rage. As she shouted,

"Your thoughts are just like you! Disgusting" Ishita shouted while Myra was stunned to hear such words that too from her best friend. But stayed quiet.

"Why? What happened now? Don't you have anything to tell!? Huh??!"

"Ishita..." Her brother called her out.

"Shut up! Let me finish this."

"Why do you care about who Rajvir's marrying? You are marrying the person you love! Aren't you? You aren't been trapped between parents choice & self choice!"

Myra looked at Ishita with teary eyes.

"Now I don't care who you are to me. Because a true friend of mine would have listed, not bark anything like a dog!"

Ishita said & rushed upstairs to her room to let her tears out. She banged the door hard grabbing everyone's attention.

"I will go check on her" Rajvir said, & ran upstairs to her room.

He could hear loud sobs, & that was aching his heart to the core.

"Ishita" he called & knocked on the door.

Ishita opened the door & sat down on her bed numb.

While Rajvir took small steps to her bed, observing her.

"What do you want?" Ishita asked.


"Ha! You want more dramas to see right? Today you got to see my tears, & my friendship broken, maybe next you want me to argue with my family & broke relations with them?!"

Rajvir shook his head at her words.

Ishita stood up from her bed & walked towards him.

"Will you be happy if I die?" This simple question of Ishita made goosebumps risen on him. If any other man was there, he would have slapped her but Rajvir hugged her tightly. As he whispered in her ears,

"Don't ever say that. I don't know what will I do if you won't be here with me, I love you" he said slowly.

"Lies. All lies, Rajvir"

"Well, I will show what are lies & truths after marriage" Rajvir said, while pulling away. & Walking out of the room. Leaving Ishita dumbfounded.


Hema & Harshit ran the doorbell.

Rita opened the door & grinned at the couple & opened the door wide for them to enter.

She closed the door & gestured them to sit. While she bought water/juice for them.

"So where should we start from?" Rita said, & laughed a bit.

"Okay so, what did you & Ranvir discuss? Yesterday?" Rita asked, as she looked at Harshit.

Harshit told her everything, how Ranvir blackmailed him about money.

"That's... Unbelievable.." Rita said, stunned.

"So you don't believe what I said?" Harshit asked with narrowed eyes.

"It's not that I mean, Ranvir is totally against these kind of things..."

"Then, Rita it's clear what you told me yesterday about Ranvir not agreeing to this marriage." Hema said.

"Yeah. & There is only one solution to this" Rita said.

"What?" Harshit asked.

"Pay him the money" Rita said simply.

"But, you know our condition" Harshit said, worried.

"& That's why I called you here today. I will give you the money, & you will give it to him." Rita said. While Harshit & Hema widened their eyes.

Silence took over them until Harshit broke it from his deep thinking,

"& What if he finds out?"

"He won't. I manage all the money in this house, & even if he gets to know, then I will just lie about it telling him that my family needed it. & You guys aren't less than a family" At this Hema & Harshit smiled at her which she gladly returned.

"But, to make him less doubt, Harshit you have to ask for one more day time" Rita said thinking.

"She is right" Hema said.

"But, what if he doesn't give me that one day time either?" Harshit asked.

"He will, he isn't that merciless you know" Rita said.

"Alright then, I will talk to him"


"What happened up there?" Varun asked.

After when Rajvir came down, he wasn't talking at all, he was angry on Ishita, for not believing him. But, he cant to anything either, as trust & love can't be forced.

While Myra had already left with a worried Sritish with her.

Ishita didn't even expect in her dream, that Myra would say such things about her. & Had decided that she won't forgive her until she asks for it.

& There Myra was thinking the same.

Will the two buddies come together after the massive fight? Or will be enemies to each other? Or will they cut their connections with each other & act like they never met?

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