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Aerith POV:
I really don't wanna go to school. I hate that hell hole. It's a shit fest. At least I'm going to be with David. That's like the only upside. It's been a week since the whole incident with Ansel. I've been home sick. It's going to be so awkward with him in my classes. Not to mention Clarissa. I only have to deal with them a couple of more months.
I decided to wear a mint colored dress, black flats and a silver necklace. I wanted to look pretty, I'm not gonna let people bring my mood down. I grabbed my Starbucks and headed out. I opened the door and saw David waiting outside his car. He was wearing a vest/hoodie thing. I don't think he was wearing shirt, which I don't mind. I go up to him to kiss him, he picks me up.
"Morning beautiful." He smiles at me.
"Morning babe." I sigh.
"What's wrong?" David looks worried.
"I just don't wanna go..."
"I know you don't Aerith, but you've missed to many days sweetie. I don't want you to fall behind." He grabs my cheek.
"I know...I just don't want to see people."
"Let me tell you something, don't let people bring you down. Don't let fuck faces ruin your day." He says in a serious tone.
I just nod.
We start driving to school. Legacy by Eminem started playing. I started singing to it. David just looks at me with his gorgeous green eyes. He smiles.
"Oh, David I forgot to tell you."
"What?" He asked.
"You look hella yummy today." I say.
He starts to blush.
"Well, thanks beautiful, you look stunning."
We get to the school. We intertwines his hand with mine. People stare at us. People need to mind they're own business. I see Cindy and Alex.
"Hi!!" Cindy yells. She's so loud sometimes.
"Hey!" I say back.
"I'm so glad yall back together. You guys were always cute." She said.
"I'm glad you're back bro. The team hasn't been the same." Alex said.
Cindy says bye to Alex. Me, Cindy, and David walk to first period. I just kept thinking about how awkward it's going to be in class. I'm not sitting next to Ansel, not after what he said to me.
We walk into class. Nothing out of the ordinary, well except Ansel not being there. Which is weird because he's never late. Wait, why the hell do I care. He doesn't give a crap about me so why should I give a crap about him.
About 20 minutes of class pass. That's when Ansel walks in.
"Mr.Elgort, care to explain your tardiness?" My teacher asks.
"Well, that's none of your business." Ansel spits back.
What the hell is up with him. There was no need for that. Again Aerith, why the hell do you care.
"David back to your seat please." Mr. Ryan ordered.
Great I have to sit next to Ansel. This is going to be a long period. I really don't wanna sit with him.
"Move it." Ansel told David.
David gave him an angry look. Ansel sat down, not making eye contact. Which I really didn't care. Mr. Ryan assigned group work for the rest of the period. I had to work with Ansel which is awful.
"Are you not gonna help, because I'm not doing all the work." I say without making eye contact.
"Wow, that's mature."
"You wanna talk mature?!"
He was yelling at this point. Everybody in class was staring.
"Mature is acting like an adult. Not fucking cheating on your boyfriend with some dumbass!"
"Says the fucking one who kissed some slut while he was filming a movie!"
"GUYS! Enough!" Mr.Ryan exclaimed.
At that moment Ansel just stormed out of the room. Everybody just stared. Cindy came over to see if I was ok. I was crying, but not of sadness, just pure anger. Who the hell does he think he is. Calling me out. He has no fucking right. I just hope this day goes by fast.
It was lunch time, which is amazing because I was starving. I go to my locker and I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. I turn to see David with a huge smile on his face.
"Why are you so happy?" I ask him inches away from his lips.
"Well, my girlfriend looks stunning in a dress, as a matter of fact, you always look stunning." He crashed his lips on mine.
I kiss back of course.
"Gross, that's really nasty." Clarissa says.
"Shut it big tits, I'm not in the mood." I say to her.
She storms off. God, I just want to punch her in the throat.
David holds my hand and walk. We meet with Alex and Cindy. We go to sit at our table when I see, wait. Ansel is making out with Clarissa?!
"Eww! What the fuck is he doing?" Cindy says with disgust in her voice.
"Kissing a horse." I say.
"Horses are not that ugly." She laughs.
At that moment Ansel walks over to us looking real mad. I think he heard us.
"Says the bucktooh blonde." He retorts.
At that moment Alex was hella angry.
"Don't fucking call my girlfriend names!" He pushed Ansel.
"What the hell are you gonna do?!" Ansel spits back, without fear.
At that time I see Cindy crying. She's sensitive about her teeth. She was always bullied about them. But now she got them fixed. That asshole. Nobody hurts my bestfriend. I start to walk towards him. David grabs my arm with a worried face. I give him a reassuring smile. I get to Ansel and slap him as hard as I can. Leaving a hand print. Clarissa comes over and I slap her as well.
"Let's get one thing clear! You fuck heads don't mess with my friends!! Don't you ever fucking say shit to them! If you do I will make sure it's the last thing you fuck faces ever do! Got that?! Good!" I say with a lot of anger in my voice.
I walk of with David, Alex and Cindy by my side.
"Thanks..." Cindy said while wiping her tears.
"You are my best friend. I had to do something."
"I wanna punch that movie star so bad." Alex said, still mad.
"We all do at this point." I laugh.

How was that?? I really liked this chapter. Drama!! Comment what yall think. I need feedback. Rate as well peeps. I will update again as soon as possible. Love you all!

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