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Aerith POV:
I woke up in a pretty good mood. The fact that I have David makes me feel butterflies. He's the ideal guy, sure he's ruff around the edges but that's what makes him charming.
Wait what day is it today, shit! Ansel comes back. Fuck. How am I going to ex... Hold up I don't need to explain anything. He cheated on me, he terminated this relationship the moment he kissed that bimbo.
I look at my phone to see a text from both of them.
David ;): Good morning my beautiful queen :)
Ansel: Can't wait to see my baby in a few hours, I missed my princess. <3
I ignored Ansel's text. I responded to David's of course. He called me back instead of texting.
"Morning beautiful, again." He laughed.
"Morning. So what's the plan today?" I asked, my voice a little bit raspy.
"Well I could go over and watch movies and keep you company since you sound a wee bit sick."
"Ok, come over now."
A few minutes later David arrives. I love the feeling I get when I see him. He makes me feel secure. I can't help but think about Elgort. I shake my head to get rid of the thought.
Ansel POV:
I get to my house, not even resting. I hop in the shower before I get to see my baby. I hope she still loves me. Hopefully she hasn't and didn't see that photo. It wasn't my fault. I was drunk, I didn't mean it.
I put on a pink v-neck, black jeans, and combat boots. I wanted to look decent. I was going crazy not being able to see her all this time. I go to the flower shop and buy her some white roses. She loves white roses. She had some last time I went over. They are perfection like her.
I walk to her house feeling butterflies in my stomach. Hopefully she has missed me as much as I missed her. I stand at the door. Thinking what I'm going to say. I go ahead and knock at the door.
Aerith POV:
I'm sitting there with David watching the game. Bayern vs BVB. He was into the games as much as I was. Yelling everyone they would miss a shot. We ordered wings and pizza. We pigged out. After the first half I hear a knock at the door.
"I'll get it." David said.
He got it. I couldn't help but smack his butt. What? He had a nice booty and in jeans its huge.
"Woaw" he said grabbing his butt.
I laughed.
I waited 2 minutes and he wasn't back.
"Who is it?!" I yelled.
No answer. I I decided, as sick as I was, to get up. I walk to the door and the person I saw made me freeze.
"Aerith?! What the hell is this?!" Ansel asked with anger.
"Don't yell at her buddy."
David responded putting a finger on Ansel's chest. Ansel slapped his finger away and got in David's face. I got in between before anything could happen.
"Guys! Stop!" I pleaded.
"Are you serious?! What the fuck do want me to do Aerith! Why is this asshole at your house?!"
"I was sick and he came to accom-." I started to say.
"I'm here because I'm her boyfriend, taking care of her! Making sure she's ok! Meanwhile you are kissing some girl. Cheating on her!" David yelled back.
This is so bad. They are going to end hitting each other. I see Ansel crying of sadness and anger. Seeing the hate in his eyes.
"I came over to see my girl and this is what I fucking get?! I bought you roses and this is how you repay me?! Cheating on me, being a slut!" He yelled and I could see he regretted it.
He did not just say that. I started crying , balling out. He would never call me that, now he did. Before I knew it David threw a punch. I just look up in shock. Ansel is bleeding bad from his nose.
Ansel just looked at me. Before I knew it David slammed the door. I was still crying. Bawling my eyes out. David ran over to me.
"Shh, babe, don't cry. Forget what that asshole said. You are no slut. I hate seeing my princess hurt." David comforted me and kissed my forehead.
"David...thanks..." I whispered.
"It's my job baby. I'm hear to make you feel better, make you happy and smile. He looked me in the eyes.
"I love you David..."
"I love you to Aerith." He crashed his lips onto mines. I can admit. David Henrie.

I would like to apologize for taking over 3 months to update! School got to me. I'm so sorry people. Hopefully you guys aren't mad. How did you like the chapter? Comment who you prefer, Ansel or David. Rate guys. I will be updating more, it's a promise. Love you all! Take care and stay awesome!!

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