Not your ordirnary girl..

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Ansel POV:

"I have to catch up to Aerith, gotta go.", I spoke very quickly.

"Why would you want to go after that "thing".", she said that almost mocking.

I didn't respond, I just walked away. I couldn't let Aerith slip through my fingers. She was the full package. Yet the way she said that made me feel like I had been punched in the gut. She said she could care less if that girl with the fake boobs kept me. I understand we barely met but like come on, why is she being so rough on me.

Looks like I have lunch next. Well at least I can eat, I'm starving. I walk through these halls. With purple and yellow walls, which I'm guessing are the school colors. People are staring at me. Why me?? Sometimes I wish I wasn't famous. I wish I could live a normal life but I asked for it.

Aerith POV:

I finally got away from the pretty boy movie star and Clarissa. She was such a bitch. We never likes each other. Since pre-K, I guess it was because I spilt paint on her white dress that one time. Then I got the image of Ansel's face in my head. No! Aerith calm your self, don't catch feelings, not after last time. I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts.

As I enter the crowded lunchroom I noticed that almost all the tables where packed. Stupid Clarissa!

I saw Cindy waving to me. Her bright pink outfit stood out. She was there, with her pink and white Louis Vuitton bag. She was spoiled. That's when I noticed the fit blonde guy at the table. It was her boyfriend Alexander. Why does he always wear tight shirts but I mean he has the body for it.

(Quick note: Cindy's bf is played by Alexander Ludwig. If you don't know who he is google it!)

"You can't sit here.", Alexander stated.

"Um..why might that be."

I was confused did I do something??

"It's Wednesday, on Wednesdays we wear pink.", Cindy spoke up in a snobby voice.

That's when I noticed Alexander and Cindy are both wearing something pink. Alexander the pink V-neck and Cindy the pink Crop top sweater and pink converse and her black jeans.

"Just kidding sit!!"

She pulled me so hard I almost fell.

"So Aerith what's up with you and that Ansel boy?", Cindy wiggles her eyebrows as she asked.

"Nothing is up, I don't want anything to do with him. Clarissa is already on my ass about how she is good looking enough to get at him. He's more trouble that it's worth."

Clarissa is known for dating all of the popular and hot jocks. Well almost all. All except Alexander. Ansel is totally not her type. He seems to quiet and laid back. Clarissa is the sloppy girl.

"I wonder how Ansel could resist Clarissa and her big knockers".

Alexander puts his hands out groping imaginary boobs. Immediately Cindy gives him a death glare. He just shuts up and pulls out his phone.

A good 10 minutes past of me and Cindy talking about clothes. Then I see Ansel coming towards the table.

Ansel POV:

I spot Aerith sitting down with a blonde girl with pink highlights and some blonde dude. By they're clothes I'm guessing the blonde girl and guy are dating.

I see Aerith saw me. As soon as she did she turned around.

"Hey Ansel!!"

I turned around and it's that girl from before.

"Come on Ansel! Sit at our table."

"Hey um.."

Shit I never got her name.

"It's Clarissa.", she retorted.

"Clarissa right, um I would love to but I'm kind of going to sit with Aerith and her crew."

"Ugh! Fine your loss." She flipped her brown hair and walked off.

I approached the table. The blond girl eyes opened wide.

"Hey Aeirth.", I greeted her with a big smile.

Wow her eyes are beautiful. She turned around and just gave a nod. I tried.

"I don't think we met. My name is Ansel Elgort. It's a pleasure."

"Hey!! My name is Cindy Autumn. Nice to meet you!" Well she is very happy. She seems friendly. Pretty too but not as pretty as Aerith.

"Ahem!! My name is Alexander Ludwig. Nice to meet you bro."

He gave my hand a firm and tight shake. Son of a! That hurts. He seems friendly too.

Me and Alexander sit there talking about sports and music. Cindy sometimes putting in her opinion. Cindy and Alexander are talking but Aerith isn't. I look over to her. She's there listening to her music. How can a person be! Then I notice her arms. They have scars? Has she been cutting. They don't look new. Is she hurt?


"What do you want??"

"Is everything alright?"

"Why you ask?"

So much hostility. I'm not trying to hurt her.

" have scars on your wrists.."

Her eyes opened wide. She covered it with her wristbands.

"First of all why would you care?? You are big movie star! Shouldn't you be rehearsing?! Second of all I have these fucking scars because the last time a guy tried to talk to me that fake bitch Clarissa took him away and it broke me!!!!"

"Woaw! Aerith calm down." I put my had on her shoulder to comfort her. She slapped it off. I noticed she was yelling. Everyone in the lunchroom heard her. Clarissa was there with a shocked face. Aerith just ran away.


"No! Just say away from's for the best.." She ran off.

Alexander and Cindy ran after her. I just stood there frozen.

Why would anyone hurt her. She's not and ordinary girl. She's far from it. She's broken but I feel I can fix her wounds...if only she would let me...

Long chapter guys!!! Hopefully you like it. Quick note Alexander is not a movie star here. So yeah!! Rate, comment, give feed back!! Till next time byes!!!!!!

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