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Ansel POV:
I honestly am sick of that school. Not just the school, but the people as well. Many might confuse this anger with being jealous but that's not the case. It was to good to be true. I'm done with Aerith, I should have known it was all lies from the start. God, I was so fucking stupid. Clarissa was not even a rebound. I cut her off quick, sure they are making my life horrible, but it's whatever.
It's been a week since me and Aerith stopped talking. Which wasn't as bad as I thought. I got some time to do me. Work on my music, rehearse some lines. I'm tired of focusing on other people. I need some me time. As for love, it's not my thing at the moment. I got into pot. Which I never thought I would do, but it calms my nerves.
It's Saturday, I decide to go to the mall.
I walk around, I get asked to take pictures. Which I don't really mind. I love my fans. I go into Express. I bump into the last person I need to see.
"Sor-oh hey..." I say to her.
"Uhh. Hi?"
"I'm sorry." I start to walk away, knowing tears are going to start forming.
"For what?"
"For everything Aerith, the cheating, the bullshit, this whole thing."
"I think it's too late for that. I'm with David now."
"I understand that. It's just want to know?"
"Know what?" She looked confused.
"Do you still have feelings for me?"
"Ansel I-"
"I just want a yes or no answer. None of this maybe bullcrap."
"Part of me still loves you. I can't deny that. But you hurt me so bad. I can't handle another heart break."
"Fine, if you want me to leave you be, then that's what I will do." I say walking away.
I get home. I go into my room. I'm bawling my eyes out at this point. I fucking love that girl. One stupid fucking mistake and she's ripped away from my arms. I want her to be mine. It tears me to shreds seeing her with another guy. I need her!
Aerith POV:
I fucking hated that. Seeing him made my stomach churn. I don't know how I feel about him anymore. I loved, or still love him. I have to accept the fact that we weren't meant to be. He's a full blown celebrity, I'm just a nobody from Chicago. I saw the sadness when he asked me if I still loved him. I hate seeing people hurt.
I go to my house. If go over David's it's going to get my emotions even more mixed up. I decided to text Cindy.
Me: Hey :/
Cindy: why the face friend?? :p
Me: I ran into Elgort...we talked.
Cindy: what did the asshole want?!
Me: come on you know he didn't mean it. We talked about...us
Cindy: is there even anything to talk about?
Me: He asked if I loved him. I said yes and no.
Cindy: you gotta set these emotions straight. You can't hurt people I know you. David, Elgort, or neither.
The conversation made me open my eyes. She was right. I don't want to hurt people. It's wrong to do them dirty. It isn't right.
Monday at school... (Still Aerith)
I got to school. I felt really under the weather. I went bummy to school. A school hoodie, some black joggers and all black vans. I didn't feel like doing school today. My head was split on both of the guys. Not to mention school being stressful ass fuck.
I walk into the school. People eye balling me. I usually go decent to school. They don't usually see me in these type of clothes. My hair was getting me pissed off, so I put it in a messy bun. I also didn't want to do contacts, so I wore my glasses. I didn't even stop by David's locker. To be honest, I didn't want to see either of the guys. I walk to class and see Cindy and David waiting. Guess no Alex today.
"Hey beautiful." David greets and leans in.
"Sup." I say walking pass him.
I walk to my table. I start to take out my headphones out of my backpack. I see David eyeballing me. Standing up by my desk.
"Can I help you?" I ask irritated.
"What's wrong?" He pleads.
"Not giving your boyfriend a kiss and saying "sup" to him isn't exactly nothing Aerith."
I pop in my headphones ignoring his statement. I'm not in the mood for this whole love thing today. Can't a girl be on her own shit for a single day without people asking what's wrong.
He then pulls out my headphones. Grabs my wrist a little to tight.
"Stop acting like a brat." He sounded almost scary.
"Don't. Touch. Me." I say pulling away, half scared.
It's bringing flash backs. From last year.
"Oh my g- I'm so sorry Aerith. I did-" he was saying.
"Get away from me, before I say something I regret."
"Please, I'm so-"
"Is something wrong?" Ansel says, with a look of worry.
"Mind your shit." David retorts.
"Look who's acting like a little shit now." I say to David.
He walks away, very angry.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have." Ansel apologizes.
"No need. You are alright."
I look into his eyes. David is the one I have. Is Ansel the one I want?

Short chapter. Next will be better. Trust me. Comment, rate. Give feed back. Anseith, or Davith? Tell me.!! Love you guys. Thanks for all the support. On this book and my others. You guys are the best. Love you all to death.~KittyKatGalaxy

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