Holy S**t

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Aerith POV:

So we got to the park after the awkward car ride. We played a two on two match. Me and Cindy vs Alex and Ansel. It was a pretty good game. Ansel and Alex scored 5 goals. Me and Cindy still won by 10 goal. Alex was whining like a baby.

"It's not fair! You and Cindy have experience! If we played football, you would lose so bad!"

"Um babe if we played football you would break me in half"

They were arguing but I couldn't help look at Ansel. His sweaty muscles shining in the sun. Jesus they are so sexy!

We ended up playing another round. The boys one the round. They were decent but not as good as us girls. After a while me and Cindy go hot and sweaty. So we took off out shirts. We both had black sports bras. Right after we did, the guys turned around with they're eyes wide open. Jesus boys are dogs.

"Hey pervs!!!! Eyes up here!" I yelled at them.

They turned red! Serves them right. We had only been at the park for an hour and a half. That's when Cindy and I heard the boys discussing something. Turns out they were discussing who was better sports and stuff. They did some tests. Running, sports, stuff like that. Cindy and I were judges. After a while we needed to come up with results.

"So who is better?!" The boys asked in unison.

"None of you."

They both looked confused.

"None of you because boys suck." Cindy stated and stuck her tongue out.

We went home after that because school was tomorrow.

*Next Day*

Clarissa POV:

I didn't want to go to that shitty school. Everybody there sucked. They are nothing compared to me. I still had find a way to get Aerith back. She always managed to embarrass me. I didn't like her and never did. That bitch Cindy. I had to get revenge today. I told her to stay out of it but she didn't. I had to hit her where it hurt the most. I think I have an idea.

S/N: a lot of POV changes ahead. Just wait. It's for something good..well you'll see ;)

Alexander POV:

I thought long and hard about it. We have been together for almost two years. Cindy is the perfect girl. She is beautiful, smart, peppy, and kind. Nobody knows today is the day. Today is the day I'm going to ask her to be mine...forever.

Aerith POV:

I decided to go late to school. I woke up with a weird feeling. I felt something bad was going to happen. Naw I don't think so. I'm probably just being paranoid. School still sucks. At least Ansel is going to be there.

Ansel POV:

I decided to go a little bit early to school. I needed to finish an essay. I didn't see Aerith. Oh well. As long as I get to see her beautiful self. That's all I care about. She was everything I wanted. Let's hope I'm what she wants. I can only hope.

Cindy POV:

I got a little early to school. Not a lot of people where here. I had to turn in something which was a drag. After I turned it in I went to my locker. I then saw a familiar face. Ansel.

"Hey Ansel!!" I went and gave him a hug.

"Hi Cindy"

"What's up Elgort?"

"Oh yeah I was looking for you."


"You dropped this charm at the park and I picked it up and forgot to give it back. Sorry."

"Omgee! My charm!! Thanks so much!! It was my Grandmas charm. I owe you big time Elgort!"

I went up to him. I gave him a tight hug and a quick thank you peck on his cheek.

"No prob Cindy. Hey I'll catch you during biology."

I gave a nod. I think he blushed. He's so weird.

Clarissa POV:

So I just got some pictures of that blonde, Cindy, hugging and giving a kiss to Ansel. He even blushed. Alexander would be mad if he saw this. That bitch had it coming. I told her! Don't fuck with me! This is going to be entertaining.

I was looking for Alex around the halls. Just when I turned the corner I saw him.

"Hey Alex"

"What do you want Clarissa"

"Oo rude! Anyway I thought you might want to see something."

"Like what?" He asked without even looking at me.

I turned him to face me.


I showed him the photos. Oh my god. His face was priceless. It was a combination of godly rage and pure sadness.

"Clarissa don't fuck like this. This isn't true."

"Oh but it is. Just thought you might want to see it.

I just walked off. Before I did he wanted me to send him the pics. I did and I was off.

Alex POV:

That fucking girl!! I trusted Cindy and how the fuck does she repay me?! She tucking flirts with that asshole Ansel. He is going to get it. Not before Cindy does. I looked all over for them. I then spotted Ansel, Aerith, and Cindy.

Aerith POV:

I spotted Cindy and Ansel. So we just hung out waiting for Alex. We waited for 10 minutes b'for we saw him walking towards us. He didn't look very happy.

"Hey baby!!" Cindy went up to him to give him a kiss and hug.


Did he just fucking push her.

"Cindy do you care to explain why you are flirting with other guys?!"

"What the hell?! I wasn't flirting with other guys?! What wrong Alex?!"

Alex stood there silent for a minute. He was red. I could tell he was mad. Then I saw a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Don't fucking stupid Cindy!! You know damn well what I'm talking about!"

"No I don't!! Why are you acting like this?!"

"I have photos of you kissing and hugging Ansel! You fucking slut!!"

"I wasn't flirting!!! He just..."

"Save it! We are done. The relationship is off! Go with your celebrity!! Bye!!"

Holy shit! What just happened?! Did Alexander just break up with Cindy!! This can't be real! Wait? Those pictures..if they are true..why the hell is Cindy kissing the guy I fucking like?!

So many POV ppl. A lot I know. I wanted to give a twist. The later chapters are going to tie in just wait. Rate and comment y'all. Hope you enjoyed it!!! See ya!

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