Fun 'Adult' Night

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When I come downstairs, I walk towards the sounds coming from the dining room. As soon as I come around the corner, Michelle's wide eyes and squeals greet me. "Oh my," she gasps, "you look gorgeous, like a goddess." Evereaux has already returned and is standing closest to me. His intense eyes make me a bit uneasy. Did his eyes change color, I think to myself. Probably not, It must be the intimate lighting that confused me for a second. His expression seems troubled as his breath hitched, and before I realize what he's doing, Evereauxs takes a deep bow. Everyone looks at him, puzzled, including me. The room falls silent, and I can't help but laugh loudly. I shove him softly as his shocked eyes turn up, meeting mine.

I softly giggle before I take a curtsy towards him, but halfway through, I falter as I can't control my actions and laugh even louder. I could come to like this new protocol. That makes everyone else laugh. Michelle walks over quickly and pushes Evereaux to the side, "like a goddess. But let's not make it more awkward and take our seats," she says while glaring at Evereaux. Timothy steps forward, offering me his arm. "I'm fine, Timothy. It's only four steps." "Yes, well, someone as beautiful as you should never walk alone," he says in a low husky tone.

I want to roll my eyes at his attempts to be sexy. I mean, if he thinks it will work on me, he doesn't know me at all. This man can't stop trying to woo me. Even if it has been 4 almost 5 years that we have known each other. We have dated a few times, but I never wanted to take things any further. And eventually, I said I needed more time. Michelle wasn't having any of it. So, in the meantime, Michelle kept trying to win an award for the matchmaker of the century. Sometimes I think I want someone. And maybe that someone could be Timothy, but then again, I also believe it is something that I have never really wanted. And after Ruto and now that I have Addie, I have to think of her as well. She is my priority. I have asked her once how she felt about Timothy just to see how she thought of him. She said that he was okay, but she never requested his company. As a single parent, it's hard. Of course, I can make my own decision and date whomever I want. But dating at this point in my life means a lot more than just going to a movie and have dinner together.

I shake the whirlwind of thoughts off my shoulders and just smile at Timothy. I glance at the seat he's holding out for me. Laying my hand on Timothy's shoulder, I tell him I'll first greet the other guests. There is one person I don't know and the rest of them I've met before. Evereaux is seated next to his husband, Amar. I like him a lot. Evereaux is always a lot happier when he's around. Michelle's baby sister, Sara, is accompanied by her partner Hasan who I greet first.

And, of course, Timothy. Who is always there when Michelle tries to set me up with someone other than him. He is so headstrong. I have asked why someone like Timothy is still single, and Michelle told me why. It is pretty sad, actually. Timothy had already met the love of his life. At least he thought she was the love of his life, but she dumped him. It only makes me feel bad about not being able to counter his feelings. But I am not obliged to do so.

Timothy just hovers over me from a distance as I turn to great Farah and James, and a lot of hugs and kisses are passed around. James and his girlfriend Farah sell my produce on the farmers market and use it in their restaurant and café.

Suddenly I'm hugged and lifted by Amar, "it has been too long since I've seen you," he says, his voice loud and heavy as always. "Yes, well, someone should bug Evereaux as much as she can since other people seem to be preoccupied." Amar gawks as if in shock, followed by a chuckle. "Yes, you are right. I have been slacking in that department", he bows deeply towards me while eyeing Evereaux. "My deepest apologies, my fairest goddess." We both laugh loudly, making Evereaux's huff in disdain.

Finally, we all take our seats, and Michelle walks towards us to introduce me to Marcus. He probably is the guy Michelle hopes to match me up with. So, of course, Michelle seats him strategically next to me. For a brief moment, Timothy tries to nudge between us. But Michelle gives him a death glare making him move to the far end of the table. So I'm seated next to Marcus on my left and Michelle on my right.

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