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During dinner, we talk about the children, and the children talk about their adventures. "You know," Michelle starts, "it's really amazing what you've created here, "the food forest you made is amazing, and it really helps a lot of people. You really have created a garden of Eden". "I helped too," Addie chimed in. "Yes, you did, babe, and I could not have done it without you!". I reached over and caressed her cheek.

We laugh and talk till everybody is finished. "Why don't you guys go outside and find us something for dessert?. "I'm a girl, aunt Mimi," Addie says, making us laugh at her reply. Before she can say anything, Bastian pulls on her arm to go outside.


"I thought you would never ask. She really keeps you on your toes, that little feminist of yours". Michelle says. I chuckle, "sometimes I really wonder what goes on in that little head of hers." We smile as we walk outside. "Her birthday is coming up soon," I say to Michelle. "Maybe you guys wanna come over and join us in her birthday ritual."

"How time flies when you have children," Michelle breaths. "I'm sure Bastian wouldn't want to miss it for the world, so that's a date!!".

"Talking of dates." Michelle winks at me, and it's making me cringe as the thought of what she has put me through so far is just torture. "Really, Michelle, I'm not interested." "No, no." She puts up her hands in surrender. "It's not a date, date. It's more like a little get together with some friends, and there might be an eligible bachelor amongst them". I look up to the ceiling, "déjà vu," I say while throwing my head side to side with every syllable I say. "I feel like we've done this so many times before." Michelle laughs, "Timothy always really liked you, and you have been kind of seeing each other. But you don't seem to reciprocate those feelings. I mean, you guys haven't even kissed, and we all know he tried". She repeats it with more emphasis while wiggling her eyebrows, "I really think he likes you a lot, and you two could make a great couple, don't you think."

"Yes, well, I don't know, maybe it's still too soon. I just don't feel like it is right, or maybe I'm overthinking, but I don't know. I just don't know", I say again, now a little more reckless. "I mean, who wouldn't want a gorgeous man, standing at 6'6 foot tall, walking around adoring your every move. "Who wouldn't I know, apparently not me ." "I can't help but wonder if I just like him because he was there when I felt alone. I mean, I have to wonder, is it him I like or is it the idea of him. You know us humans don't have a magic compass that goes berserk when you meet the one". "Yes, well, that would make things a whole lot easier. But I promise this time it's different. It is just a fun adult night".

"You keep luring me to these 'things,' these events" I sigh and sigh again. "That sounds like a yes to me, and it's going to be super so you can wipe that look off your face. Seriously, you look like you are going to be sick, and it isn't all that bad". She laughs loudly, making the sound bounce off the trees. "Well, it feels like it," I reply. "You're going to be fine. We just gotta dust off those big girl pants and let your hair down." I sigh again, "fine," I reply. "Where are the kids gonna go? And honestly, why are you bugging me with this nonsense anyway. You are ALSO single. Really, Mim, I thought you were my friend".

"Bastian is going to see his grandmother for the weekend. Addie can join them. My grandmother won't mind. Also, I am your BEST friend, I am also your ONLY friend, and I just think you deserve someone special".

"Fine, fine, fine," I say while putting my fist up, showing her my invisible middle finger. "I think you deserve something special too," I say sarcastically.

Michelle chuckles, "Relax, woman, it's just a fun 'adult' night," she says using air quotes. I frown and loudly whisper, don't be surprised when you find a big turd on your doorstep, Michelle!". She laughs loudly. Your ways of saying 'Duck you' are always so amusing.

"So tell me about this birthday ritual," distracting me from my usual mini nervous breakdown. "Well, it's just cake baking and games, but we always finish singing to the moon. It's kind of an imaginary friend thing. She says it's her big sister". "Oh," Michelle replies. "When I was pregnant with her, there were two babies. So I think it's actually quite beautiful to honor her twin sister this way. Michelle gives me a sad eye. "I'm fine, I have always been fine with it. Doctors call it a vanishing twin. They say it's very common for it to happen. I think it's nice to think of her twin, her big sister as the moon. She's always with us and watching over us".

"To the moon goddess," Michelle smiles. "To the moon goddess," I reply.

"And with that, it is way past someone's bedtime," I say a little louder so the children can hear us. "But I'm not tired, mommy." "I know you're not. That's why she is practically sleeping in the grass".  

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