Beginning of the end

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She was never meant to be mine but now no one can take her from me. My savior and redemption. I slowly turn to my side as I try to get out of bed without waking her but she is already awake as she looks at me with her sleepy eyes. Quickly I give her a kiss as I force myself away from her and into the shower. As I let the hot water soothe my skin I start my day as Alpha of the most powerful and successful pack on this side of the hemisphere. 

The sun had not fully awakened in the 'Ho'olohe' Pack. The pack is residing in Redwood forest, California. A pack that was meant for wolves that wanted to live free. The pack itself stretched out over the whole of California, making it one of the most giant packs in the world. In this day and age, wolves and their packs had reasonably more freedom but still lived a secret life hidden from humans.

I lead the Ho'olohe pack with a vision. As an Alpha that wants to change the world for the better. Tradition is something to honour the past by remembering the sacrifices that have been made. But it should not keep you from a more fantastic future. On the contrary, it should always lead the way. Even though life will always include good and evil. A necessary change would allow people to feel freer to be who they are or wanted to be. But this vision, the vision of the Alpha, didn't come without bloodshed.

As Alpha, I have to be strong and sensible. Lead my army to victory and I have done it so many times. Fighting for the excellent and crushing evil. All too willingly, other more miniature packs joined them in my path to peace and serenity. Finally, after years of war, I led all the packs in a peace treaty. Something that had never been done before. And for that reason, I am going to be honored and knighted by the king himself.

That morning I started, as usual, a meeting with my Beta and Gamma. They are my first and second in command. While the Beta is in charge of security and public relations, the Gamma makes sure everything inside the pack runs accordingly, like human research management and wolves. I am feeling good today. Everything was as it should be. After the meeting, I hastily go to have breakfast with my mate. My best friend. Even though we weren't mated by the moon goddess. We did have love and understanding. I truly love her.

I wouldn't have mated her in every other situation I think to myself. She hadn't found her mate yet. That would mean he is still out there. The moon goddess always creates us in pairs, and she and I are not chosen by the moon goddess to be together. She decided for the both of us and marked me. No passion or intimacy was involved. She just did it. It caught me off guard. She jumped me during a training session. There was no way I couldn't complete the bond after that. A marking is when a wolf share's a part of his being with a mate. That is done by a bite from your werewolf side. It gives you and your mate the ability to share life itself. Always able to find each other. Always knowing what the other is feeling. And enhancing the skills and strengths, you already possess.

She marked me because she also had a pack to protect me. Her mother went ill, and her father couldn't run the pack with his mind elsewhere. He was a stubborn man. Indeed she got it from him. I lost my mate before we had a chance to meet. I had felt it when she was murdered. The shatters of my inconsolable heart fuelled my need to be stronger and able to protect the one's that needed me. The one's that needed my love and protection. Even the one's I couldn't see. Blinded by my rage, I went on a killing spree of hunting all evil. Still, my efforts felt inadequate. I felt inadequate. I needed more, or rather I needed something else. I needed change to be more potent, more powerful. I owed my fated mate that.

My father had always said that I should find a beginning to my end. That required finding a suitable mate. At first, I wanted an Omega. Omegala have the immense ability to care for others. Knowing what is happing in the heart is often their goal. Even before they want to know what's in the mind. Strategically that would have been a suitable and somewhat successful match. They don't say the Alpha and the Omega for nothing. But it had seemed their role wasn't what I thought it was. In my mind, it was very different from what they were in reality. Omegala had morphed into something different.

Yours Truly - Canis MinorWhere stories live. Discover now