Ella bass they daughter of Bart bass they richest man in New York and the sister of chuck bass let's see what happens when she falls for Nate Archibald her best friends boyfriend and brothers best friend. She may seem innocent but when away from her...
Good morning gossip girl here Bart bass chuck and Ella bass dad annual brunch is today everyone is invited well not everyone xoxo
Ella is still in bed and her house keeper who basically raised her and chuck Emily her name is
" Ella hunny u need to wake u need to get dressed it's your dad brunch " Emily says
" no I like my bed to much " Ella says hiding under her pillow
" oh hunny you are still in they same clothes as yesterday " Emily says
" well ye " Ella says laughing
Ella bedroom is they most gorgeous one you would see
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All off that is just for Ella well she is princess bass
Ella gets ready for brunch
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She curled she hair put some make up on and some white wedges
At brunch Chuck Ella Blair and Nate are all sat at a table drinking Champagne and stuff when they all look over to see Serena and Dan walk in
" you have got to be kidding me " Blair says
" this should be fun " chuck and Ella say
A bit later
Serena and Dan are getting food Serena walks off and Dan turn around to see chuck and Ella stirring at him they walk of and there dad stops them
" Charles Ella " he says looking at them and them looking at some business partner " would u excuse me " Bart says
" yes farther " chuck say
" they invitation said black tie not black eye are u okay I mean if your in some kind of trouble " Bart says
" only of my own making "
" and Ella " he points to her neck there was a hickey there from some boy last night
" what " Ella says
Chuck Give get they look
" oh " Ella says
" why do u think I do these things huh these parties are for use so u can meet people and u know come a part of something and make some kind of change " Bart says
" really I just though it was another excuse for a open bar and statue staff " chuck says
" do me a favour lose they scotch and champagne it's barley noon " Bart says walking of
Ella is talking to some of her dad business partners and looks over to chuck giving Blair a key and then Blair and Nate going upstairs kissing Ella walks over to chuck
" what did u give her " Ella says
" they key to my suit " chuck says
" why " Ella says.
" oh wait and see " chuck says
" should I be worried " Ella says
As Ella says that Blair come walking over to Dan
" oh god " Ella says
Ella walks over after awhile chuck Nate Blair and Dan were there
" do u want to tell him " Blair says.
" I will " chuck and Ella say
" wait u know " Nate says to chuck and Blair says to Ella
" just what they situation needs they bass twins "
" Dan it was a long time ago and I regret it " Serena says
" oh Serena stop trying to pretend your a good girl u " chuck says
" u slept with our best friends boyfriend " Ella says
" is that true " Dan says
" well then she ran away and lied about it I just though u should know before u fall head over heels for your perfect girl and her perfect world and get left alone with your cabbage patch kid " Blair says
" cabbage patch " Nate and Ella say
" did u talk to my sister " Dan says
" oh yes little Jenny we have some unfinished business " chuck says
" u stay way from her " Dan says
" oh Daniel so many slurs to defend " chuck says and Dan pushes him into a waiter
Ella moth drops
Later on
Ella is sat on her bed with a face mask on and chuck is sat there and Ella had ice on chucks eye
" you know we both always they ones who start they trouble " Ella says
" well we are Ella and chuck bass " chuck says and Ella laughs
Today s left brunch with no friends and no boy a total insider and now like a total outsider and they bass twins starting trouble again like always see u next time xoxo gossip girl