Ella bass they daughter of Bart bass they richest man in New York and the sister of chuck bass let's see what happens when she falls for Nate Archibald her best friends boyfriend and brothers best friend. She may seem innocent but when away from her...
As pair usual gossip girl tradition I am trading my laptop for stovetop and for the next 16 hours the only thing I'm dishing is seconds when the cats away the mice will play have fun little rodents xoxo
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Ella and Nate have been living together but like friends they may have been one night were they have u know but it didn't really matter
Ella gets ready and puts make up on and does her hair and goes to her dads she jumps on her dad couch as she does she just rolls of they couch On they floor " you are such an idiot " chuck says
" oh Charles we both are " Ella says he comes over and lift her up and gives her a kiss on they cheek a load of caterers where running around trying to get everything ready and perfect seems a load of people are coming like Business partners and all that type like every year
" Charles Ella thank you for coming " Bart say
" hey dad " Ella and chuck say laughing
" use two rules no arguments no getting drunk no talking about stuff that could wreck my career " Bart says
" okay " both of them say
" I mean it " he says
" okay we get it " Ella says
Ella and chuck are sat eating on they kitchen counter making cupcakes because there bored
" u remember when we were ten and we would get all they cupcakes and hid them so know one could have them " Ella says
" omg when u had your first joint and passed out " chuck says
They both laugh then everyone shows up every thanksgiving has mostly been they same most of dad business partners and model chuck and Ella hated it because Ella and her dad were arguing is it was awkward because they had to sit together they served they meal Ella just sat there in while everyone was eating they start to take all they plates away Ella was still full
" Ella eat something " Bart says
" no am okay I'd rather not " Ella says
" eat something our leave they table " Bart says
" fine " Ella says standing up
" oh Dessert might change your mind " Bart says as they pull a cart of dessert in
" we're are my cupcakes " Ella says
" I sent they to they bin " Bart says
Ella picks up a hole chocolate cake and goes to they kitchen she eats they hole cake and runs up stairs to they bathroom and throws up Later
Nate walks in " hey chuck where's Ella " Nate says
" she went to they toilet like 20 mins ago oh god " chuck says Nate and chuck run up stairs to see her sobbing bright red on they bathroom floor Nate runs over and he hugs her and chuck get her a blanket
" Ella let's just get u out of here I will take u home " Nate says
" thanks Archibald " chuck says
Nate walks Ella down stairs with a blanket over her so they paparazzi can't get pictures of her they get in her limo and Ella snuggles into nates chest and he hold her they walk back into Ella penthouse Nate runs her a bath she gets in and he sits outside she gets out and he get he dressed into her pjs
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He carries her bed and makes her tea He sits next to her with his arm around her
" Nathaniel " Ella says
" ye " he says
" sorry " Ella says
" what for " he says
" for being annoying " Ella says
" your not I promise " Nate says lifting he head up they kiss every time they kiss there is this spark they make out Nate goes on top of her they continue to do to it all night
Oh my what a crazy thanksgiving why is it all why something with princess bass like golden boy covering her with a blanket what's up princess paparazzi getting on your nerves out are u hiding something see u next time xoxo gossip girl