Ella bass they daughter of Bart bass they richest man in New York and the sister of chuck bass let's see what happens when she falls for Nate Archibald her best friends boyfriend and brothers best friend. She may seem innocent but when away from her...
Spotted Ella bass in Chanel getting a fitting for the charity Gala last time I checked it was old people but are princess us getting an award xoxo
" miss bass what do u think " they designer says
"I love it would be so much better if I was wearing it not at a charity ball " Ella says
Later Nates POV Ella bass they most beautiful girl in the hole world she walk down the stairs and shocked me of how gorgeous she was her tanned skin perfectly styled hair Back to Ella
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I walked down the stairs felling like a princess meeting her prince at the bottom
" u look gorgeous like a princess " Nate says as he wraps his arms around my waist " do we have to go we could stay home and I could rip that dress of u and it would look better on they floor "
" later we have to go come on " I said as he pulled me back and stared making out with me
" okay we can go now " Nate says
We walk in it was just all old boring people and my dad and Lilly then a man walked to to me
" your name miss " he said
" an Ella bass are u dumb am on they screen literally right there " I said then walked off
I walked up to them Lilly had they biggest smile
" oh darling u look absolutely stunning like a princess " Lilly said Lilly was like a mom to me I never meet my mom because she died will giving birth to me and chuck my dad has always blamed chuck because she had me and was fine then stared losing blood with chuck i believe it was just bad luck but my dad thinks it was his devil child but of course I am his angel child I could literally roll my eyes so many time when he has said that an surprised there not in my brain
" So do u lily dad " I said smiling then turning to my dad
" Ella Nate " he said
" am going to go get a drink u coming Nate " I said
" I will meet u there " Nate said walking off I walked up to they bar I grabbed a drink and then I realised I need to check over they speech with Lilly I walked up to her
" hey Lilly can u help me practice this " I said then realised she was speaking to Jenny " oh hi Jenny "
" oh ye hunny bye Jenny " Lilly said as I and Lilly walked of
" so what does that mean " I said as a turned around to see Nate and Jenny kissing my heart shattered into a million pieces " Nathaniel Archibald u peace of shit " I said then ran off Nate ran after me but I hid in the corner what the fuck why do I get treated like shit I heard someone walk up to me Looks like princess bass and golden boy are done didn't I tell use and u never listen
" go away " I said as I looked up it was Dan
" what happened " Dan said
" your stupid sister happened she has just reck my relationship " I said wiping a tear from my Cheek
" Dan " some shouts
" I have to go " he said walking off I got up and walked down the hall I walked up to my dad
" have u been crying " he said
" ye why life is gone " I said as he gave me a weird look me my dad and Lilly walk up to the front
" may I have your attention please thank u as head of they New York pillar profit society present in this award is an honour please help me congratulating Lilly Ella and Bart bass " a man says after everyone claps " Eleanor rose Bella bass youngest entrepreneur to represents they bass family Ella " he says as I walk up to they Mike
" I would like to thank my dad and Lilly they have always been someone I have looked up to " as I said that they light cut out and music started playing they little bitch from Brooklyn has crash my gala for her stupid fashion show
" that little bitch " I screamed As models walked out As it was finishing Jenny ran up to Nate and kissed him I felt like I was going to die I stared to walk out and walked passed them and Jenny ran after her
" Ella I am so sorry " she said
" u know u you are a bitch u think u can just stroll into they upper east side it's a birth right u think u can walk all over my life take my boyfriend ruin my chance of becoming the youngest entrepreneur go back to Brooklyn come near my life again I will wreck your life now GET OUT OF MY DADS HOTEL OUR HAVE U REMOVED " I said then walked out I got in my limo and went home As I walked in Nate was sat on my couch
" get out " I said walking towards the kitchen
" Ella please just talk to me she kissed me " Nate said I just said quiet " I won't leave until we talk "
" fine I will leave " l I said as I grabbed my bag and coat "oh wait have your ring back maybe Jenny wants it " I say as I though the ring at him and I slammed the door as I am walking down the stuff I get a call from the dean of Columbia that I was accepted I showed up at my dads and went into chuck room crying and he just holds her
Everything that was once good all broke apart little j tearing down Ella bass world but princess bass doesn't stand for it see u next time xoxo gossip girl