Ella bass they daughter of Bart bass they richest man in New York and the sister of chuck bass let's see what happens when she falls for Nate Archibald her best friends boyfriend and brothers best friend. She may seem innocent but when away from her...
Princess bass doing her dancing for the first time after her dad died haven't seen u for a couple of days we're are u bass why hide xoxo gossip girl
I was sat on my bed looking at the pregnancy test box while my heart was thumping and I was taping my foot I've done loads before why was I so worried it will be a negative I can go back to my life it's fine as I stood up to go to the bathroom The I heard Nate shout
" babe we need to go we're late " he shouts I quickly jumped
" ok I am coming " I shouted I grab my birkin bag and shoved the box in it
While I was practicing my dance in the studio Serena came in
" hey " she said
" hi aren't u meant to be in class " I said
" ye but it was boring so I just thought I would come sit in here with u " she said
" ok I just got my costume let me go get it " I said
Serena POV As Ella walked out and her phone started ringing So u went to grab it out of her bag
" hey ell " I went to say then I see so that shocked me a pregnancy test box
" did u shout me " Ella shouted for the other room
" no " I said shutting her bag
Oh no e looks like s found out your secret what are going to do now be careful s what will e say when she finds out you were in her bag xoxo
Later ellas POV
I sat putting on make up when Nate came in
" heyyyy " I said and he gave me a kiss
" hi are u nearly ready u have to go on in a min " he said
" ye just need to get me costume on now go sit down u need the best seat " I said
" ok love u your going to be amazing " Nate said
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After I stood up and walked of the stage chuck walked in
" Heyy " i said running up to him and hugged him
" u did amazing dad would be so proud sis I love u " he said
" I love u to Charles " I said and he gave my a bunch of roes " thank u " I said
" I think so one is eating for u " he and I and I saw Nate walk in I ran up to him and wrapped my legs around his waist while he wrapped his arms around mine we stared to make out
" I love u so much El " he said
" I love u to " I said I got down
" come on let's go " chuck said walking up to use as I linked Nate and chucks arm
Aww look at chuck support his sister we always forget how strong there bond is xoxo
While I was sat on the couch laterI heated a knocker the door I opened to see Serena
" hey s " I said
" hey e can I talk to u " Serena says as she walks in
" ye come sit down " I said we both sat on the couch
" were Nate " Serena says
" he's at chuck why" I said
" ok so before when I went to grab your phone out your bag I saw u know " Serena says
" the pregnancy test box " I said
" ye umm have u took one " Serena said
" no am to scared I don't know if to tell Nate our just to take on " I said
" it's up to you maybe u should tell Nate use could do it together u know but I don't know " Serena says
Princess bass as a mother I could never imagine she likes to party a lot that will be all wrecked and she is still in high school we'll see u next time xoxo gossip girl