Part 13

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More towers than Trump, more bucks than Bloomberg. Bart Bass definitely made his mark on Manhattan. The passing of a public figure can shake a whole town, but the real story is always the one happening in private, away from the headlines - at home xoxo

Losing my mom was hard because I never meet her but losing my dad at 17 was harder no parents the only family I have is chuck I don't know why it always me with bad luck but that how life goes

I woke up to Blair calling then I heated my door open it was Nate

" hey " he said as he walked towards me with a cup of coffee" how u feeling "

" like shit " I said

" it's going to be okay I ran u a bath and I got your clothes ready " he said as I sat up and he moved the hair out of my face

As I did my hair and make up i heated my phone ding it was chuck he has messaged me to meet him I threw my coat on and left as I walked into the places bar I saw chuck talking to are dad pi investigator then chuck stands up

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As I did my hair and make up i heated my phone ding it was chuck he has messaged me to meet him I threw my coat on and left as I walked into the places bar I saw chuck talking to are dad pi investigator then chuck stands up

" if u will excuse me I have to go put my dad in the grown " chuck says then walks over to me

" hi " I said as I hugged him

" when dad was in the crash he knew something about Lilly " chuck says

" what is it " I said

" I don't know but I will find out don't worry " chuck says

" okay I have to go I love u " I said Then walked out as I did I knew he straight away downed a bottle of liquor as I walked out of the building there was paparazzi everywhere

" Ella bass what was your dad hiding " one said

" Ella you're dad deserved it "

" Bart bass was a monster "

As they were shouting and taking pics of me I felt week I just stood there and then I felt two people grab me it was Nate and Blair they put me in the limo as I sat down and broke into tears in nates arms and then Blair went to go find chuck

As we pulled up to the church Blair and Nate were trying to make chuck walk for abit because he was drunk and as a stepped out I put sunglasses on so know one could see my eyes my arm was linked onto chuck and nates chuck was falling over while walking

" chuck am I going to have to suck my finger down your throat Nate will hold your hair " Blair said and me and Nate give her a weird look

" what " Blair says

" u had me then u lost me " Nate says

" fix his tie" Blair's says Then chuck spotted Dan

" hey " chuck shouted witch shocked me

" the hell are u doing here " chuck shouted running over to Dan

" excuse me " Dan said

" he just upset and drunk " Blair said as chuck stood in front of Dan and I linked his arm to clam him down

" what are u doing here at my father funeral " chuck said the Grabbed Dan's shirt and then I pushed him off

" do u think he would want u here " I said

" chuck Ella if this is about the article u know I didn't Wright it " Dan says

" u think I care at your failed attemptof investigating of journalism my father is that because of your father " chuck said

" what chuck look am sorry about this " Dan says

" chuck " Serena says pushing chuck away from Dan

" Dan had been helping use unlike u two " Serena says

" helping u what the fuck we have just lost are dad the only family we had u should be helping us " u shouted

" Daniel I think it would be if u left " ce ce said

" no grandma that doesn't make sense it's not fair " Serena says

" chuck and Ella are brats kids it doesn't have to make sense today " ce ce said

" it's ok I understand " Dan says then he walks off And then chuck walks off but am still lined to him so we are walking in together and my heads on his shoulder

" I know use to are upset but we need each other right now " Lilly said linking chuck arm and chuck pushes her off

" don't rich me whore " chuck says and we start to walk up the stairs

" Charles Ella please u need to be with your family " Lilly says

" our family we don't have a family I only have Ella " chuck says and then we walk into the church

Poor basses about to become the riches kids in the world the don't seem very happy oh waits they lost there daddy oh well xoxo

Me chuck Nate and Blair walk into the wake

" use don't have to stay here for lone just shake some hands and then " Nate says

" u don't have to convince me " chuck says

" oh good " Blair says then chuck walks off upstairs and a waiter walks passed me with a tray of champagne and I grab on and down it then I walked off to my old bedroom As I walked i tears started to fall as memories started to fill my mind and all the pictures on the dresser I fell to the fall then I felt someone come in and hug me

" it's ok shhhh " Nate said

If I could describe the bass twins chuck Womaniser Ella devil and angle in disguise well to ye are both like there dad in there own ways well see u next time xoxo gossip girl

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