Part 13

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What they different between gossip and scandal well glad u ask anyone can create I miner indiscretion and create I minor buzz in order for gossip to broth a true scandal it requires they right person to be in they worn place take on it girl on a pedestal and a crowd Eager to see her fall then have they means to knock her down xoxo

Ella is in they shop buying a pregnancy test but doesn't realise that someone took a picture

Ella is in they shop buying a pregnancy test but doesn't realise that someone took a picture

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Ella is walking into school with chuck

" is there something u want to tell me " Chuck says

" what that cap is awful " Ella says

" that funny but this isn't " Chuck says showing Ella that post

Ella is stood outside of school and everyone is stirring at her

" hey mom " a boys says

" ye am pregnant and it yours " Ella says then Nate walks in

" Nate I need to speak to u " Ella says

" if your pregnant and it mine I will support u but am back with Blair "Nate says

" okay well am not pregnant and I don't expect that but I have to go " Ella says then walk of

On the steps of they met

" hey guys " Ella says walking up to Blair and her minions

" hey " one of them say awkwardly

" am not pregnant " Ella says

" wow cool " they say

" Blair can I talk to you " Ella says

" of course " Blair says

" did u get my text " Ella says

" well so U know I told that boy that am not pregnant " Ella says

" yes And I am very happy for u " Blair says

" are we really going to play that old game b " Ella says

" I don't know what your talking about " Blair says

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