Part 21

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When you lose hope in a dream, sometimes all you're left with is sleepless nights. While some call the doctor for a refill, I find the best solution is a full social calendar.

-Gossip Girl

As me and Nate stood outside a church for trip wedding rehearsal we were making out

" did I tell u how gorgeous u look " Nate said

" Nate Archibald are u trying to seduce me in church grounds " I said and we both laughed

" there something I have to tell u " he said

" what is it " I said

" I got in to Columbia " he said

" omg actually I didn't Evan now u Applied " I said as we were walking in

" I just didn't want to tell anyone I wanted to get in by myself " he said

" omg we're going to be there together " I said Then Maureen came over

" hey guys Nate can u go over to trip and Ella u can come with me " she said

After they did the run though I could finally sit down cos am one of her bridesmaids I had to stand up for like two hours

" hey Ella me and trip are going to go out for lunch you ok to go home by your self " Nate said

" ye am going to go see Lilly I need to tell her but I don't know how to tell chuck " I said

" I don't know but don't worry about it we will figure it out " he said

I stood outside the building worrying I needed to Lilly before I told anyone she is technically my mother I finally built up the courage to go in Lilly was sat on the couch it look like she had just been shopping she was holding up a pair of heels

" hey Lilly nice shoes " I said walking over and sitting next to her

" oh hi dear how are u " she said

" am good I just needed to talk to u " I said

" what is it dear are I finding it hard to go to school I keep getting calls saying u haven't showed up and I asked Charles and he said u were sick " she said

" well they reason I haven't been going in a lot is the other week I found out  " I said then stared to cry

" oh Ella dear what is it " she said

" I just don't know how to tell u " I said

" Ella honey u can tell me anything I want to be like a mother to u " she said 

" am pregnant " I said the burst in to tears

" oh no honey don't cry look at me " she said hugging me

" I know how u feel I felt the same when I got pregnant but just think u are going to have a beautiful baby " she said

" but am still in high school " I said

" but u graduation is in a few mouths don't worry u are going to be an amazing mom and Nate will be an amazing dad come here " she said then I hugged her

" I've got to go but can I please not tell Charles I need to tell him still " I said

" I won't wait  Ella " she said

" ye " I said Turing around

" always remember I love u and Charles as if u were my own children " she said

" thank u " I said then left

Is that princess bass taking her heels of in public not that are bass to do this what up bass sock of heels what are u hiding I will find out xoxo gossip girl

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Is that princess bass taking her heels of in public not that are bass to do this what up bass sock of heels what are u hiding I will find out xoxo gossip girl

As I stood getting my dress fitted for the wedding I was on the phone to Blair telling her everything after that I went home to get ready for the rehearsal dinner I was doing my hair when Nate came in

" hey " he said walking over to me and wrapping his arms around me

" hey Babe " I said as he kissed my neck

" how did it go with Lilly " he said

" actually good she understood " I said


As we got there Nate just completed ignored his grandad and walked past him and his grandad look at me like I was they one who had to fix it then it came to nates speech

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As we got there Nate just completed ignored his grandad and walked past him and his grandad look at me like I was they one who had to fix it then it came to nates speech

" good evening was of u know me I am Nate Archibald trips cousin when trip as me to be the best man it his wedding I was a little bit surprised to say the least guess grandfather told hiM to choose me and that was that and we all know how important family is to William Vanderbilt but we don't know all the secret ways he helps use out I discovered he was the one who had my father investigated by the police if he cares so much about family why did u destroyed my family so the lesson is trip buddy watch your back " Nate said and everyone faced dropped

Oh no Nate found out the truth and has wreck the dinner and made a fool out of William Vanderbilt see u next time xoxo gossip girl

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