Ella bass they daughter of Bart bass they richest man in New York and the sister of chuck bass let's see what happens when she falls for Nate Archibald her best friends boyfriend and brothers best friend. She may seem innocent but when away from her...
Ella bass are fav it girl hasn't been seen for awhile is she hiding something again like last summer our us she just being her bitchy self xoxo gossip girl
They last couple of weeks Ella had hid her self in her room because her depression and bulimia had came back her dad did care but randomly didn't tell chuck. Ella had been throwing up for days
Ella was throwing and crying and chuck walks in
" oh my god Ella come here " chuck says run over and she lies on his lap
" it's back " Ella says balling her eyes out
" how why you have been fine " chuck says
" am a slut" Ella says
" what " chuck says holding her
" I slept with Nate Blair going to kill me " Ella says
" you are not a slut mistakes happen " chuck says
She hugs her and chuck carriers her to her bed as she cries her self to sleep and Bart walks in
" Ella " he says
" dad leave her alone why didn't you tell me " chuck says
" because chuck she needs to be alone it will be better " Bart says
" no she doesn't " chuck says
Couple of days later Ella meets up with Serena and Blair they are all shopping Ella brought some stuff and then headed home as soon as she got home she threw up
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Ella goes down in to chuck suit wearing these to see A-load of boys and waitresses stood there Ella walks over to chuck with girl sat on his knee and hugging him from behind
" it's getting worse " Ella says with tears rolling down her eyes
" Ella go and ask Emily to do what she did when u was little " chuck says drunk