Ella bass they daughter of Bart bass they richest man in New York and the sister of chuck bass let's see what happens when she falls for Nate Archibald her best friends boyfriend and brothers best friend. She may seem innocent but when away from her...
Four wise men once said "I get by with a little hope from my friends." But on the Upper East Side, there's the added challenge of finding out who those friends really are.
-Gossip Girl
As I sat throwing up the worst part of this pregnancy is the morning sickness I got I phone call as I lift up my phone it was chuck
" hello " I said
" hi sis sorry for disturbing u but can u meet me at the van der woodsins I just need your help " he said
" ye I will be there in 20 mins " I said then hung up
I quickly got ready and was about to run out the door
" where are u going " Nate said
" chuck rang me and asked me to meet him at the van Der woodsins " I said grabbing my bag
" but we have plans " he said
" I know I will be back in time " I said trying to put my heels on " ok am going love u bye " I said
" no am coming with u " Nate said
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As we got there I walked into Serena's bedroom and her and Blair were talking about something
" hey Ella thank god u are here and for bringing Nate " she said
" he is faster then he looks our mabye it cos am pregnant and in heels I don't know what going on " I said
" that guy that Serena was dating robbed loads of money " Blair said
" what are u going to do " I said
" I have a plan tell me if I am crazy " Serena said
Serena called the boy
" hey Gabriel it's me sorry I never can back this morning but I was coming to tell u something and then I got scared because " Serena says then chuck walked in " because We'll I might as well say it now I think I am pregnant ok that it call me " Serena said then hung up
" the pregnancy scam touché make sure u are in a place we're the authorities can Surround him no open spaces " chuck says And everyone stays quiet " u did call the police right " he said
" no because my mom will find out and that can't happen " Serena said
" well this all assumes he calls u back " I said
" this obviously time a expert took over this operation " chuck says
" we can handle it chuck " Blair says
" ye like you Handel robbing my limo " chuck says
" Serena I think u should let chuck Handel this " I said
" no I can Handel this I will get all the money back " Serena said
" what money " Dan said walking in" sorry came to convince u to family brunch " he said