Ella bass they daughter of Bart bass they richest man in New York and the sister of chuck bass let's see what happens when she falls for Nate Archibald her best friends boyfriend and brothers best friend. She may seem innocent but when away from her...
Rise and shine upper east siders college is wating for u so get ready for a other day of drama xoxo
" Ella wake up " Nate says shaking her
" no I like my bed to much " Ella says hugging her pillow
" fine " Nate says as he picks he up bridal style and puts her in the bathroom And just laugh at he because she angry
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Ella gets to school and sees Blair she runs up to her and hugs her
" Yale dayyyyyy " Ella shouts
" I know I can't believe it " Blair says Blair tell Ella about something that her and Serena had another argument the stood listening to the man talking about schools
" hey so use of to Yale " Serena says " your dutive skills are amazing for a place like brown " Blair says
" a place like brown " Serena say
" an on clay of children of celebrity that major and drum circles and computers what ever that is I can't wait for u to come home next thanksgiving a vegan hippie " Ella says
" brown is an Ivy League school " Serena says
" everyone know the real ivys are the holy Trinity Harvard Yale and Princeton " Blair says
" I know use may find the hard to believe but not everyone want to go to Yale because not everyone want to be Ella bass and Blair Waldorf " Serena says
" not everyone can be " Ella and Blair say
"Since we're not friends anymore let use speak frankly " Blair says
"in the real world knowledge is power u wouldn't get into Yale if u tried "Ella says
" have fun in province " Blair says
" oh mabye u could get your hair Dreadlocked while u are there " Ella says and her Blair walk off they get in there limo
Later As soon as they get there Ella has her interview and she goes in
" miss bass I have been so excited to meet u so let's get started " dean says
" thank u so want do u want me to tell you " Ella says
" well tell u your achievements " the dean says
" well I brought an apartment building I was in a fashion show and I am looking to start my own clothing line " Ella says
" well that Amazing we are trying to change to Yale reputation " the dean says they talk for a bit then Ella meets up with Nate
" hi natie " Ella says hugging him then they make out
" Evan though I haven't seen u for hours is it bad that I really want keep u in bed all day " Nate says
" I would love that but don't u have stuff to do " Ella says
" no so come on let's just leave this " Nate says
" okay " Ella says Her and Nate walk to Ella limo as soon as they get in they start to make out they pull up Nate caries her bridal style up to the penthouse he throws her on the bed
Ella POV He is so gorgeous as he buttons his shirts to reveal his golden abs and unzips his pants while kissing my neck giving me butterflies then unzips my dress he kisses down my body he gets to my underwear he slips it off as he kisses down there I roll her head back and let out a Moan he comes back up and we make out
Ella and Nate are sat hugging each other in bed when Ella gets a call from her dad
" hi dad " Ella says
" Ella rose Bella bass" Bart shouts down the phone
" what " Ella says
" we're have u been and don't say Yale people told me u didn't show up " Bart says
" I had a headache so I went home " Ella says
" oh ye headache am sure Nate sorted that out fine " Bart says
" I have no cule what u are talking about but I have to go bye" Ella says
When it come to college every parent what's them to do go in school but for Ella and Nate skipping it for sex be careful e we don't want a surprise to happen see u next time xoxo gossip girl