Part 5

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Princess bass and Blair Waldorf a duo everyone loves our shopping but wasn't it just only they other day golden boy doing they walk of shame from princess bass bed out was he xoxo gossip girl

Princess bass and Blair Waldorf a duo everyone loves our shopping but wasn't it just only they other day golden boy doing they walk of shame from princess bass bed out was he xoxo gossip girl

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Blair and Ella are out shopping

" how cute is this " Ella says holding up a cute red frilly dress

" dead cute Nate been acting dead weird recently I don't know what going on " Blair says

" am not sure have u gone though his phone " Ella says

" no I would feel bad " Blair says

" am not sure then " Ella says

They go to they cash register Ella spends 5 million her bodyguards are carrying her bags she gets back and her dad stood there

" hey dad " Ella says as they put down all her bags

" really Ella five million " Bart says

" oh ye dad like we're not billionaire " Ella says

" did u tell chuck about London " Bart says

" how do u know " Ella says

" I know everything Ella this is what I mean I told u not to tell anyone you go tell Nate and chuck also I heard u and Nate u told him about your depression and bulimia what did I say Ella also having sex all they time Ella bass I raised was not like this your acting like chuck " Bart says shouting

" U barely raised me "Ella shouts

" Ella u know what I am Capable of I will send u to London and u will never come back I will take every bit of bast industries u own I will take all you pretty dresses I will take your trust don't go down that road Ella " Bart shots

" go ahead what chuck going to do he would even let u " Ella shots then runs up stairs

" Eleanor roes Bella bass don't u dare slam  that door " Bart say she slams they door " these clothes are going into they trash then " Bart says

" go ahead I will throw yours in they trash's " ella says holding a load of bated clothes

" don't u dare " Bart says

" don't u dare " Ella says imitating Bart

Ella walks in her room slamming they door

They next day

Ella wear this to school she goes down stairs and sit a they Table with her dad and chuck

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Ella wear this to school she goes down stairs and sit a they Table with her dad and chuck

" Ella Charles " Bart says

" what " Ella And chuck says

" use to are going to wreck my Reputation clam down our it what me discussed last summer now eat " Bart says chuck and him start eating and Ella is just sat there on her phone

" El u okay " chuck whisper

" Ella eat something now please " Bart say

" am okay " Ella says

" right now Ella you are not moving until u eat " Bart says

" well looks like no school then " Ella says

" u know what Ella roes Bella bass u are grounded " Bart shouts as he slams his hand on they table

" try me " Ella says walking out her and chuck get in there limo

" what going on el " chuck says

" I just can't deal anymore am not going to school today I have some business I have had planned for awhile " Ella says smiling

" what do u have planned " chuck says

" oh nothing much " Ella says

Later on
Ella is sat in a meeting room

" so miss bass what was urgent that u needed me right now " a man from they bass industries bored says

" I want to go ahead about what a talk about last summer " Ella says

" are u sure " they man says

" yep " Ella says

Later on Ella is in they limo

She gets a call from Blair

" hey b what's up " Ella says

"Hey e were u today " Blair says

" oh I have a lot of business so u know " Ella says

" well is my soirée tonight " Blair says

" oh my god b I am so sorry I can't come got some much to do " Ella says

" okay it's fine bye love you e " Blair says

" love u to b " Ella says as she hangs up her dad rings

" hello father " Ella says

" Eleanor rose Bella bass were they fuck are u they school called said u haven't been to school " Bart says

" oh I know I have been doing Coke weed nicotine tequila all that stuff " Ella says then buttons they phone and laughs

Later on

She walks in and her dads stood there with a doctor

" oh god " Ella says

" Ella u need to go with this doctor just for a hour " Bart says

" what they fuck is this " Ella says

People come behind her and grab her

" dad what they fuck " Ella screams as they lift her up they stirs And take her to they office Ella is screaming they draw bloods from her and test them

" mister bass she clean " they man says

" what was that about " Ella says crying

" just checking u " Bart says

" this is ridiculous " Ella says

" oh just go to bed Ella " Bart says

Ella goes and slams her door and gets in they bath crying

Looks like our bass princess has some plan wonder what it is and it looks like little j is climbing they social ladder being at b soirée we'll see u next time xoxo gossip girl

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