Ella bass they daughter of Bart bass they richest man in New York and the sister of chuck bass let's see what happens when she falls for Nate Archibald her best friends boyfriend and brothers best friend. She may seem innocent but when away from her...
Hey upper east siders it Christmas time in New York chuck bass has disappeared on holiday leaving his little sister all alone xoxo
Ella Bart and Lilly are all stood together Bart and Lilly were trying to hide that they were in a relationship ship Ella figure it out straight away
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" Blair oh Blair happy holidays " Lilly says
" happy holiday miss van der woodsin mister bass I didn't think you were still in town " Blair says
" with Charles I know sadly I am stuck beef in business while he in my hotel in Monico I have my staff keeping an eye on him and then me and Ella will join him for New Years " Bart say
" oh right I was wondering why he was so quiet and monico answer my question lovey to see use two ell I coming " Blair says
" ye bye dad but Lilly " Ella says and her and Blair link arms
" Blair Ella there u are " Serena says
" I can't talk right now Serena am late and " Blair says
" and have a huge sweet tooth " Serena says pointing at they Giant candy Caine
" there for my dad and me and he landed from Paris 27 minutes ago " Blair says
" we come on then " Ella says in a french accent
Later Ella and Nate had not talked since they debuta ball because while he was Ella date he slept with Blair he moved back to his mom because they had a big argument but Ella didn't know they slept together
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Ella had her staff put up a Christmas tree Ella loves Christmas Ella put on a matching outfit to Blair and they are going ice skating Ella meet up with Blair dad his boyfriend and Blair dad
" oh Ella darling u have grown up so much since last time " Blair dad says
" well what can I say " Ella says Blair dad walks over to his boyfriend and Blair and Ella link arms
" I don't know why I let u drag me here every year but I hate ice skating " Ella says
" well u can ice skat so u will so I can get my dad back and u keep Roman away from him " Blair says
" only for my bestie " Ella says and they laugh
Blair and Ella are stood against a wall Blair was messing someone while Ella is on they phone to her staff they were asking were to put stuff
" oh Blair catch me " Roman says is flying towards Blair
" oh "Blair says holding out her arms he come towards she hold out her foot and goes flying
Later " hey b what do u need " Ella says
" I need your login for your modelling website from your modelling days " Blair says
" wait what I model like 7 times last year " Ella says and Blair give her a look " what u holding a open call our something " Ella says as she logs on " I have to go stay at my dad it so annoying " Ella says lying down back on Blair bed hugging a pillow ever since they were kids if any of them had problems they would lie on who ever bed and just rant
Later Ella is sat on her dad couch watching Christmas movies while eating popcorn when her dad come in
" Ella " he says
" what " Ella says rolling over
" can I sit with u " he says
" ye " Ella says moving over
Oh princess bass haven't u Leander know one cares about u as much as daddy bass u may think he is not nice u will realise one day xoxo
In they morning Ella had for dragged down to Serena apartment Bart had got Serena and Erik presents and had brought Ella like 10 million worth of jewellery shoes and clothes Ella looks at Serena for one minute and then sees Bart in one knee Ella Erik and Serena all look at each other
Oh looks like daddy bass is In love but I don't think princess bass seemed very happy oh no e don't mess up once again and loose a another step mom see u next time xoxo gossip girl