Ella bass they daughter of Bart bass they richest man in New York and the sister of chuck bass let's see what happens when she falls for Nate Archibald her best friends boyfriend and brothers best friend. She may seem innocent but when away from her...
Two princess who both made bad decisions on their old life did they not realise it a catch up sometime like for example Ella she didn't realise that every think she done but catch up to 1 day but she didn't realise it until now so book up your seat belts I've got some tea for you xoxo
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Chuck and Ella are stood with Lilly and Bart when dad walks in
" have u seen Serena " Dan say
" no sorry" they all say when chuck gets a call
" ye am with Ella no Serena didn't come home last night I though she was with u " chuck says and him and Ella go to Blair they run to catch they lift and it opens and Nate stood there
" hey man " chuck says awkwardly
" hey chuck Ella " Nate says and Ella rolls her eyes they walk out of they lift
" what is actually happening " Ella says as she sits down
Later Ella be chuck are sat on they couch and Nate is stood up and heard the elevator door go and Blair walk in
" what going on is this a just a ploy to get use all together " Nate says
" I meant what I said on they phone it urgent " Blair says and walks towards they elevator and sees Serena in they corner looking like she been dragged through a bush
" omg is she okay " Ella says as chuck and Nate pick
" bring her upstairs to my room Dorota towels now " Blair says as her and Ella follow after them
Chuck and Ella go to they shop and get loads of stuff
" we are back got everything hangover cure ever " Ella says
" and bagels " chuck says Ella and Blair walk Serena into they bathroom room and undressed Serena and put her in they bath but then Serena throws up And Ella screams and runs out and trips and Nate catches her
" I am going to be sick also let go of me " Ella says
" okay " Nate drops her and she stands up and kicks him " what was that for
" u dropped me " Ella shouts
" we may need them bagels " Blair says
" what has even happened " Nate says
" she came here last night freaked out saying something then I went to get something to come her down and she was gone " Blair says
" what did she say " chuck says
" it's not they point we are here for Serena " Blair says