Chapter 4 - The Mark of Nimue (Part 2)

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The next morning I woke up and noticed that Merlin was already up and out. So I got out of bed and got dressed for the day. There was a numb pain in my back, which usually meant that it had happened overnight, I'm just glad it didn't wake me up. I smiled at Gaius as I walked into his chambers. I ate my small breakfast and started to collect test results with Gaius. It was late morning when I decided that I wanted a break. "Gaius, I think I'm going to visit Gwen, see how she's holding up. I'll be back for lunch." I said, and Gaius nodded in response.

I made my way through the castle to Morgana's chambers. I knocked on the door and Gwen opened it. She smiled widely at me, and I gave her a confused look. This was not how I expected to find her. "I just came to check up on you, ask how your father was." I said as she let me in. She smiled widely at the mention of her father. "He's great, he got better. Just overnight, he woke up this morning and his skin was clear! It's a miracle!" She said, placing some flowers in the empty vase. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, that hadn't happened to anyone else who'd been affected.

I was about to ask some other questions, but the door flew open. I turned around and saw Arthur come in with a few Guards. "Seize her." He said. The guards grabbed Gwen by her arms. "No," I said looking at Arthur. He avoided my eye contact, taking to staring at the ground. "Guinevere I'm arresting you for crimes and contraventions of the Laws of Camelot, that you did practice enchantments." I looked at Arthur in shock. Did he seriously think that Gwen was breaking the law of magic. "Gwen?" I heard Morgana say and I watched as she walked into the room.

"What have I done? I haven't done anything! Help me, please!" Gwen yelled at us and Morgana moved towards the guards, and began to demand they released her. I, on the other hand, walked over to Arthur. "Arthur, you don't seriously think that she did anything wrong, do you?" I said, in a small voice, scared of what he would say. He was the prince after all and there was nothing I could do to stop him from arresting me as well. He let out a breath and looked up at me for a second. "I found a magic poultice in her house, she was the only other one who's been in there other than her father, and he was too ill to do anything. The evidence points to her." He said in a strong, but solemn, tone. I could see in his eyes that it was bothering him.

"That's ridiculous." Morgana said, scoffing. I had to agree with her but I kept my mouth shut. "Then how else do you explain her father's recovery?" Arthur asked. He had a slight pleading tone in his voice, and I could tell he wanted Morgana to say something that would save Gwen, but she kept silent. "She's innocent! Please Arthur." I said in a small voice, I wasn't even sure he heard me. "What can I do? I can't turn a blind eye!" He yelled, before rushing at the room after the guards. I heard Morgana scoff from behind me.

I watched as Morgana went back into her room, to go back to doing whatever. I decided it was best to leave her there, because she was very close to Gwen. I left the room, and started walking back to Gaius's chambers. I felt really sorry for Gwen, why couldn't Arthur admit that she was innocent. As I got closer to Gaius's door I heard him yelling. "Didn't you think it might look suspicious, the curing of one man?" I heard Gaius ask Merlin. I gasped and the two turned to face me. "You created the poultice that got Gwen arrested?!" I asked Merlin, I couldn't believe he would be so careless, he just had to do everything without thinking.

Gaius gave me a strong nod, and I could tell he was annoyed with Merlin as well. "Congratulations Merlin, you're such a good friend." I said, I knew I would forgive him eventually, but he got our friend arrested, because he wasn't thinking. I glared at my brother before going up to our room and opening one of my books.

I could still hear shouting coming from the other room for a few minutes. Then I think Merlin left as the door banged shut. I closed my book and went through to Gaius's room. "That boy is going to be the death of me." Gaius muttered under his breath. "Tell me about it," I said, sighing. "I've had to deal with it for years, he just doesn't think before doing anything." I said, thinking of all the times when Merlin and Will had gotten into trouble back in Ealdor.

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