Interlude - A Book

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I walked through the forest with a basket in the crook of my elbow, a book in my other hand. It was the one that I had been reading a few weeks ago, that Arthur had wanted to read, but I hadn't had a chance to give it to him yet. I was slowly back into the city, and smiled at a few people I passed, although keeping my book open. As I neared the castle I could hear the crash of swords and knew that the knights must be training.

I changed my direction, and wandered towards the training ground. It seemed as if I had caught the end of training, as Sir Leon had just finished fighting one of the other knights, and Arthur yelled for everyone to finish. I watched him walk over to a small tent, and he took his gloves off, and he stuck his sword in the ground. I took a deep breath and started to walk over to him. "Sire." I said, in a small voice, and the Prince jumped, turning to face me with a startled look.

I jumped as well at the sudden movement from him, and the Prince let out a breath as he realised it was me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." I said in a small voice, looking at the ground. "It's alright, Amara. Was there anything you needed from me? I'm not sure where Merlin is." He said, and I shook my head. "No, I'm not looking for Merlin. I actually wanted to ask if you still wanted this. You asked about it a few weeks ago and seemed interested, but if you don't want it, then it's fine." I rambled, looking down at my feet.

"The book? Of course I'll take it, if you don't mind that is." Arthur said, and I looked up at him and smiled. "Here." I said, and I handed him the book. "Thank you." He said, and I nodded, before turning around and beginning to walk away, silently cursing myself for being so awkward around Arthur. It was definitely getting harder and harder for me to suppress the feelings I had for him.

Later that day I walked through the castle on my way to Morgana's room, so I could give her a sleeping draught. I didn't bother to knock on the door, as the Lady had told me over and over that I didn't need to knock. I smiled as I saw Gwen and Morgana sitting over by the window. They both waved at me, and I smiled as I placed Morgana's draught on her bedside table.

I then walked over to the two, and Gwen patted the seat next to her, and I sat down. "So, anything interesting happen?" I asked, and Gwen shook her head, but Morgana nodded. We both looked at her, excited to hear what she had today. "I'm pretty sure Arthur's been switched with a different man. He was reading at dinner, actually reading! I don't think I've seen him with a book since he was eighteen. And he said that it was because he actually wanted to read it, no one was forcing him into it." Morgana said, and I almost giggled at her reaction.

"What's wrong with Arthur reading?" I asked, sure that he had actually read something since he turned eighteen. "I mean he has read since his eighteenth, but it has only been reading about sword fighting, he was reading a fantasy book today, like an actual story book." Morgana said, and I blushed intently, knowing that Arthur had been reading the book I had given to him earlier.

"Amara..." Gwen said, looking at me suspiciously. "I gave Arthur that book earlier because he showed interest in it a few weeks ago." I explained, and a small squealing noise came from Morgana. "Of course he would want to read a book you gave him!" She exclaimed, but she seemed more excited than annoyed. "That's so cute." Gwen said, which made me blush more.

"Umm, I should get back to Gaius's chambers." I mumbled, wanting to get out of there. I got up and hurried out of the room before they could call me back or follow me. I walked back through the castle, my cheeks getting redder as I walked. The Prince was actually reading the book I gave him, that I wasn't expecting.

While I was walking I was paying attention to where I was going, so I was surprised that I hadn't crashed into anyone, although it was quite late, so many servants would have gone home by now. However I was startled when I heard someone call my name. I turned in the hall and blushed as I realised it was the Prince.

"Amara. I was just, urr, heading towards Gaius's chambers to return this. I know you only gave me this earlier, but I couldn't put it down once I started reading it. I finished it, so I thought I would give it back to you, and ask if there were any other books you'd recommend." Arthur said, speaking quietly. I bit my lip and took the book back from the prince.

"Umm, sure, there are plenty in the library." I said, looking down at the ground. "Well, that was all, umm, I should get back to my chambers, now. I'll see you around Amara." The Prince said, before turning around and walking back in the direction he came in. I stood in the hall, looked at where Arthur had disappeared for a few seconds before turning around and continuing to Gaius's chambers, with a smile on my face.

A/N: Now I'm really scared. The final episode is next!!! Afterwards I'll probably write another Interlude and then an Epilogue.

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