Interlude - Home

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Merlin, Arthur, Morgana, Gwen, and I had been back in Camelot for a week, and had all gotten back to our lives. But our trip had made me question where I thought my home was. I always thought Ealdor was my home, and would never have imagined I would even think of another place as my home. But Camelot was the most amazing city, and everything I loved was there.

I had a great family, with my brother being there, and Gaius being an amazing father figure. I had loads of friends, all through the castle and the city. With Gwen and Morgana always being there to talk to, and I had spoken to a lot of the servants in the castle. There was also Sir Leon, along with a few of the other knights I'd said hello to as they received treatment from some fighting injury. And I'd met some really wonderful people through coming to Camelot, people who had left.

Then there was Arthur. I didn't even know what I was to him, but I knew that he meant everything to me. He cared so much about me, and my brother, even though he'd never admit it, and I didn't want to think about a life without him in it now. He had already risked so much for me and my family, and I had no idea how to repay him. He was going to be an amazing king when his time came, although he still had a lot to learn.

But there was one thing about Arthur I didn't understand. My feelings towards him. Morgana and Gwen had constantly hinted that Arthur was 'more than interested in me'. Mother had said that I cared for him deeply, and I hadn't realised how much I truly did until she pointed it out to me. Then there was my promise to Will. I promised that I wouldn't let Arthur's status stop me. I just didn't understand what that meant. Stop me from doing what?

Arthur had always been there for me in my lowest moments. When Merlin had been poisoned and I didn't know if he'd make it, he was there to hold me. And again when Will passed away. He just seemed to really care, and I had no idea why. I was just a simple country girl, whose brother works as his manservant. I didn't understand what would make him so interested in me. Nothing about me was interesting.

But I guess I was doing something right, because mostly everyone who lived in Camelot was really kind, and seemed to want the best for me. I had made so many new friends, and I don't think it would be the same if I tried to go back to Ealdor, or anywhere else it just wouldn't feel right. And that's something that really scared me. I never would have imagined that any place other than Ealdor would give me that feeling.

And what scared me more was when we went back to Ealdor. It felt so different. It didn't feel as though I was going home, it felt as though I was just visiting my mother, going back to where I grew up. I thought when I went back I would love it, and it would be so painful to leave again, but it wasn't. I had felt excited to leave, and return to Camelot.

Maybe that's what had changed. My perception. Ealdor was now the place where I grew up. And Camelot, the place where my brother is, where all my friends are, where Arthur is, was my home.

A/N: Sorry for the short length interlude, didn't really had much inspiration, just wanted to move onto the next chapter

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