Interlude - Girls

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I awoke with a smile on my face for the first time in a while. There was finally nothing to worry about. There was no life threatening illness going around, 'nor a crazy knight with a shield that comes to life. I sighed and got out of bed to get ready for the day. I went down to Gaius's chambers and saw that he and Merlin were eating breakfast. I smiled and went over to join them. We ate in silence before Merlin said goodbye and left to findArthur. I smiled at him, before turning to Gaius and asking what he wanted me to do today.

"Actually Amara, I was thinking you could have the day off today, you've been working so hard, I think you deserve it." He said, and I smiled at him in thanks. Then he got up and grabbed a few remedies before leaving the room. Then I furrowed my eyebrows. I had no clue of what I actually wanted to do. I thought about it for a while before deciding that I wanted to see how Gwen was doing, and I'd also get to see Morgana.

So I started walking through the castle and soon enough I was at Morgana's chambers. I knocked on the door, and heard some shuffling from within then the door opened to reveal Gwen who smiled at me and let me in. "Morgana, Amara's here!" She yelled and Morgana appeared. She smiled at me and I smiled back. "Amara, what brings you here?" She asked me.

"Well, Gaius gave me the day off, so I thought I'd come and see if I could spend it with you. After all the drama I think we could all use a break." I said, and the other two chuckled, nodding their heads. We all sat down on Morgana's bed and made ourselves comfortable. "So, Amara, you seem to enjoy being in Camelot." Gwen said, looking over to me, and I smiled widely, nodding enthusiastically. "Yeah, it's incredible, a little more dangerous than I thought it would be, but I guess I'll have to get used to it as I live in the same castle as the king."

I said, and the other two nodded again. We continued to talk about Camelot and everything else we could think of until lunch. Then Gwen went down to the kitchens to go and get us some food, so we could eat in Morgana's chambers. I would've offered to help, but there was something that I wanted to ask Morgana. "Morgana, how did you know that Arthur would help when I asked him?" I asked, shyly, unsure of what the answer was, and if I even wanted to hear it.

"You haven't noticed, Arthur seems to be rather interested in you, I've seen him watching you from across the hall, and that night after the Tournament he was always trying to look at you instead of who he was talking to. He seems rather infatuated, plus you seem to be making him a better person, so the more time you spend with him, the better." She said, as serious as I've ever heard her. I was very confused at this, was Arthur really doing all those things, and why would he have been staring at me that night, Morgana looked so much better than I did. I wanted to say something, but was scared of going against her.

I was saved by Gwen coming in and placing three plates of food on the table. Gwen and Morgana talked while we ate but I stayed silent, thinking about what Morgana had said. After we'd finished eating I excused myself, saying that I'd had a great morning, but was quite tired, and was going to see if I could have a nap.

As I was walking through the courtyard I felt a pair of eyes on me. I turned around and saw that Arthur was walking through one of the corridors with a few other knights. When my eyes met his, he quickly averted his eyes and looked in front of him. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked up at Morgana's window. I was surprised to see her and Gwen looking down, and I could tell they were giggling at me. Morgana caught me looking and winked at me. I blushed at the thought that Arthur had in fact been staring at me, but just ignored it and headed back to Gaius's chambers.

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