Interlude - Transformation

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I took a deep breath before knocking on the Prince's door and waited for someone to call me in, and when Arthur did I opened the door slowly. I went in and saw that Arthur was sitting at his table, a book in his hand, while the other hung in a sling. "Amara, come in." He said, putting the book down and standing up. I looked at him for a few seconds, before throwing myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He stumbled slightly under my weight, and wrapped his good arm around my waist. "I'm so glad you're okay." I whispered in his ear, and I felt the Prince place his chin on my shoulder. "Of course I am, I'll always pull through." He said, and I pulled away from him. "Sorry about that, it's just been an emotional week." I said, and Arthur nodded, as if he understood.

"I knew it. I said you'd be alright." I said, and the Prince smiled at me. "I can remember you talking to me." Arthur said, and I quickly looked up at him. Had he really heard me talking? And if he had, did he hear me admit my feelings to him. "You can?" I asked, my nerves getting the better of me as my voice shook slightly. "You stroked my forehead." He said, causing me to blush.

"I was tending to your fever." I said, but Arthur didn't seem to buy it as he took a step towards me. "Tell me what you said again?" He asked, and I bit by lip, not wanting to repeat anything when I knew that he could hear me. "I can't remember." I lied, but the Prince saw right through me. "Come on, something about the man I am inside..." He teased, a small smile making its way onto his face as I blushed even more.

"I know you'll be an amazing King, and I wanted Camelot to have that experience." I whispered, looking up, my breath being taken away as I realised how close I was to Arthur. "Thank you, but there was something else." He said, and I shook my head slightly, not being able to form any words at the moment due to our close proximity.

"You said you cared for me. You told me you loved me, did you mean it?" He asked in a whisper, genuine curiosity lacing his voice. I gulped slightly, before taking a breath and nodding my head. "Yes." I whispered. We stood there in silence, our lips mere centimeters from each other for too long, before Arthur lifted his hand to my face and cupped my cheek. "I love you too." He said, before leaning in and capturing his lips on mine.

I was in shock for a few seconds, before realising that this was not a dream, and I kissed him back. Our lips moved in perfect sync with each other, and moulded together as if they were made to fit together. I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my own arms around Arthur's neck.

We finally broke apart when we needed to breathe, but didn't move far away from each other, instead choosing to rest our foreheads together. "I know we shouldn't be together, but when I'm King it will all be different." He whispered, but in that moment I really didn't care about what was proper, all I knew was that I wanted Arthur, that I loved him.

"Sire, your father wants you to eat dinner with him tonight!" A guard shouted through the closed door, and I was extremely glad that he hadn't barged through the door as that would've been hard to explain. "I have to go." Arthur whispered and I nodded my head slowly. He was about to pull away but brought me closer to him and captured my lips on his again. "I love you." He whispered, before briskly walking out of the room and off to go eat with his father.

A wide smile made its way onto my face and I let out a small laugh. I couldn't believe that had just happened. Arthur, the Prince of Camelot had kissed me. Me! I was excited and happy. I knew I shouldn't wish the King dead, but I couldn't wait until Arthur was the king and we could be happy together. I was already thinking of so many different ways that I could sneak into his room to see him.

But my happy daydreaming was harshly broken by my back. An excruciating pain coursed through my body, making me stumble forward. My vision started to blur but I stopped myself from blacking out completely. I was tempted to scream out in pain, but remembered that I was alone in the Prince's chambers, and if someone found me here I could be labelled as suspicious.

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