Chapter 6 - Lancelot (Part 1)

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By the time I woke up in the morning, Merlin had already disappeared and so had Gaius. I ate the food that was left out for me, and noticed a note from Gaius. 'Amara, Merlin has gone into the forest to collect herbs for me, so you don't have to worry about it. I'm just heading out to complete my rounds of the Lower Town. Could you make Morgana's draught for me?'

My breath caught in my throat slightly as I read the last line. Gaius had only entrusted me to make simple remedies so far, and certainly nothing for the royal family. I took a deep breath and said to myself that I could do it. I grabbed my book of notes and began to follow the recipe for her draught. I was almost finished making it when the door opened. "Gaius!" I heard my brother shout, and I turned to see him. I smiled and was about to say something, but noticed he was supporting another man, who was passed out.

"Merlin! Gaius isn't here at the moment, but I can see what I can do, put him on the bed." I said, not thinking twice about it. Merlin followed my instructions, and I began to inspect the wound. It wasn't too bad and luckily it wasn't infected, so I cleaned and dressed it, before checking the man over for anything else, but he was fine.

"Will he be alright?" Merlin asked from beside me, and I jumped at the sudden noise. "The wound itself is superficial. The fever will pass. He should be fine in the morning." I said. "Who is he?" I asked my brother, curious about the stranger he no doubt met in the forest. "I don't know, his name's Lancelot. He saved my life." Merlin said, and I looked back down at the man. "Lancelot." I said under my breath.

I smiled as Merlin moved Lancelot into our room, onto his bed. I finished Morgana's sleeping draught just as Gaius walked back in the room. He inspected Lancelot himself, and was very happy with the job I had done. I was proud of myself, and smiled at Gaius. I blushed lightly at his praise. I thanked Gaius and we started eating lunch, Merlin rushing off afterwards to attend to the chores Arthur had set him.

That night Merlin slept on the floor in the main chambers while I slept in our room with Lancelot. It was odd, thinking that there was another man sleeping in the same room as me, that wasn't my brother. I was so used to him being near me when I was sleeping.

I woke the next morning and heard Gaius and Merlin talking in hushed voices next door. I quietly got out of bed and got dressed, trying not to wake the sleeping man. Then I went down to the main chamber and saw that Merlin was just about to leave. "Hey, 'Mara, keep an eye on Lancelot." He asked, and I nodded as he left the room. I ate breakfast and got on with some chores around the room, before turning to Gaius.

"I'm going to check on my patient." I said, and Gaius just nodded at me. I walked through into our room and saw that Lancelot was stirring. "Good morning." I said, chuckling gently. The man sat up instantly at the sound of a voice and looked around the room for a few seconds before landing on me. I smiled at him and moved over to sit on the edge of the bed. "My name's Amara, you met my brother Merlin yesterday, he's the one that brought you here. You had an injury, but I took care of you. And don't worry you've only been asleep overnight."

The man looked up at me and seemed as though he was processing the information before holding his hand out to me. "Lancelot, ma'm." He said. I melted slightly at his accent, it certainly wasn't native to Camelot, and I'd never heard anything quite like it. I took his hand, expecting to shake it, but Lancelot brought my hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on it. I blushed at the contact and looked down at my lap as he released my hand.

"Where am I?" He asked in a soft voice. "The court Physician's chambers, in Camelot." I said, answering his question. To my surprise Lancelot jumped up off the bed and towards the window. He stood there for a few seconds just staring out and admiring it before turning to me. "Ever since I was a child I've dreamed of coming here. It's my life's ambition to join the knights of Camelot. I know what you're thinking, I...I expect too much. After all, who am I? They have their pick of the best and bravest in the land." He said, looking back at the city.

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