Interlude - Preparations

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I sighed as I finally sat down in Gaius's chambers. My feet were killing me from being on them all day. Gaius had relieved me from my duties for the next few days, only he had told the head servant that he could use me to help with anything they needed, meaning I'd been moving things from one room to another for hours. The whole castle was abuzz with constant movement. All because Arthur's birthday was coming up soon. His twenty-first, meaning that he would become the crown prince of Camelot.

I was really excited for the ceremony and seeing Arthur achieve the next step towards becoming king of Camelot, but I didn't appreciate how much work needed to be done. I had barely had ten minutes to eat food before Gwen and I were made to do more work. I hadn't seen Merlin all day and I figured it was because Athur was keeping him busy. This was the first time that I had managed to escape and have a proper break. I was about to go into my bedroom and read for a bit when the door opened.

I looked up and saw that it was Arthur. I smiled at him gently and he returned the gesture. "Amara, I was looking for Merlin, any idea where he disappeared off to?" Arthur asked, and I shook my head. I expected Arthur to leave after that but he stayed and just stared at me. I blushed under his gaze, but managed to look up and meet his eyes. "Is there, err, anything else you need." I asked the prince.

He shook his head slightly. "I was just wondering if you were coming to the ceremony." He asked. I smiled at him and nodded my head. Arthur's smile widened slightly, before he turned around and walked away from me.

The next few days were really hectic, and there were people running around all over the place. Merlin and I were always exhausted when we got to bed and slept really well, only to be thrown into chores as soon as we left Gaius's chambers. With everything that had happened I didn't have any time to get a dress for the coronation.

Eventually I just gave up, accepting that I would wear one of my other dresses. I always liked dressing up for these things as I was considered a guest rather than a servant, being Gaius's apprentice. The two of us, plus Merlin, were eating dinner the night before the ceremony when someone knocked on the door. Gaius called them in and I smiled when I saw it was Gwen.

"Sorry to bother you Gaius, I just need to borrow Amara for a little while." She said, and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, I had already delivered Morgana's draught this morning. Gaius nodded and I went with Gwen. "What's going on?" I asked her as we made our way to Morgana's chambers. Gwen just looked at me and smirked slightly. I groaned, knowing she wasn't going to tell me.

We got to Morgana's chambers and Gwen walked in without knocking. I followed her and smiled at Morgana who was sitting on her bed. "There you two are!" She said when we walked in, jumping up and coming over to us. "What's going on, why am I here?" I asked, not knowing if I wanted to find out the answer or not. "Well, Gwen and I were talking, and you've done so much for us, so we thought it was about time we paid you back." Morgana said. I sighed and looked at the two. "You guys don't have to do anything for me, I'm always glad to help." I said, but the other two shook their heads.

"Too late," Gwen said, and I looked at her, confused, "I overheard you talking to one of the other servants about what you were going to wear for Arthur's ceremony. So, we decided to have a dress made for you." She finished, and I tried to look annoyed at them, but my face slipped into a grateful smile.

"Come on, we'll give it to you now, so you can put it on before the ceremony tomorrow." Morgana said as Gwen moved into another room, presumably to get the dress. When Gwen came back I gasped loudly at the sight of the dress. It was really beautiful, something you'd expect a Lady of the court to wear. "Girls, it's... so beautiful." I said, unable to get anything else out.

"I-I don't know if I can wear this

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"I-I don't know if I can wear this. Won't Ladies get annoyed that I'm wearing such an amazing dress when I'm only an apprentice." I said, but Morgana waved the comment away. "We don't care what other people think, all that matters is that you are going to look amazing. And Arthur won't be able to keep his eyes off you." She said, sharing a look with Gwen.

I blushed, trying to ignore what Morgana said as Gwen folded the dress up so I could take it down to Gaius's chambers. I took the dress from Gwen when she was finished. "Thank you, both of you. This means the world to me." I said, before leaving the room. I let out a satisfied sigh, now really looking forward to the ceremony, before heading back to Gaius's chambers and going to bed.

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