Chapter 7 - Lancelot (Part 2)

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After the rush of people coming into the city, Gaius and I made simple pain remedies for them and started to deliver them. I grabbed one of the books off the shelf and tried to remember how Merlin had described the creature that had attacked him and Lancelot. "Wings of an Eagle, and Body of a Lion." I said under my breath, as I flicked through the pages.

I had gone through the entire book a few times and hadn't found anything when my brother ran into the room. "'Mara!" He exclaimed and I looked up at him. "He did it!" He shouted, and I looked at Merlin, confused, wondering what he was talking about. "Lancelot. After today Arthur gave him a chance and he passed, his knighting ceremony is tonight, come on, we should get ready." He said, and a wide smile adorned my face. I let out a sigh of disbelief and hugged my brother.

I rushed into our room and looked through all the clothes that I had. I huffed as I realised that I had nothing to wear. "Merlin I'll see you later, I'm going to see if Morgana can help." I said, and I ran out of Gaius's chambers and through the castle. As I was sprinting I almost crashed into someone. I gasped and stopped running, but smiled widely as I saw it was Arthur. "Amara! Where are you going in such a hurry?" He asked me in a flustered voice. "Arthur! I'm going to see Morgana, I have nothing to wear to the knighting ceremony, and I just wanted to say thank you for giving Lancelot another chance, he won't let you down, I promise." I said, smiling at him widely before running off again.

I burst into Morgana's chambers without knocking and both Gwen and Morgana looked at me in surprise. "Amara?!" They said, looking at me, confused. "I have nothing to wear, do either of you have anything. I really need to have some fancier dresses made." I said, panting slightly. The two shared a look and Gwen disappeared into another room. "So, why won't any of your own dresses suffice, is there a certain knight you wish to impress?" Morgana asked, and I blushed at her words.

"He's my friend, I want to support him, and I didn't think any of my own dresses were nice enough." I said, looking at my feet, knowing what she'd said was true, if only slightly. "Here, I found the perfect one, and Morgana doesn't wear it that often." Gwen said as she walked into the room with a beautiful purple dress in her hands.

I sucked in a breath, but knew it was perfect

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I sucked in a breath, but knew it was perfect. I quickly went behind Morgana's dressing sheet, and put the dress on. I walked out and twirled in it a few times. The girls giggled and so did I. "This dress is so pretty." I said, looked at Morgana. She didn't say anything, just nodded, and I blushed under her gaze. "Come on Amara, I'll fix your hair." Gwen said, and I sat on Morgana's bed and the three of us just talked.

Soon enough it was time to go down to the main hall for the ceremony. The three of us went together, and once we got in there I went to stand with Gaius and Merlin. "You look incredible." Merlin whispered in my ear and I blushed, thanking him. We waited for a short while before the doors opened and Arthur and his father walked in, followed by Lancelot. I smiled widely and continued to watch as the ceremony continued.

After the ceremony there was going to be a party. I wanted to talk to Lancelot before that, but someone grabbed my arm and pulled me out the hall. I turned to see Morgana and Gwen. "What are you doing! I was going to congratulate Lancelot." I said, confused. Morgana and Gwen shared a look and looked back at me. "We're going to get to the celebration late, make a big entrance." Morgana said. I smiled and shook my head as we started walking through the castle.

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