Epilogue - Chaos in Camelot

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(Arthur's pov)

I smiled widely as I walked through the corridors of the castle on my way to eat with my father. I had finally admitted to both Amara and myself that I was in love with her, and I knew that I wasn't lying when I had told her that. She was the most amazing, kind, beautiful, girl I had ever met, and I knew there would never be anyone like her in my life. She was the perfect person, and I knew I shouldn't get my hopes up, but she would be an amazing queen.

She would be just and fair, but also loyal and stern. I knew that there would be problems with us being together, but for her I would wait forever, and I really hoped that I would get to live a life with her, no matter what my father said about it.

I opened the door to the dining room and smiled as I saw that Father and Morgana were both in there. I went over and sat down in my normal space next to my father and across from Morgana. "You seem in a cheerful mood." Morgana said, and I knew she was suspicious but I was too happy to care. "Morgana, leave him alone." Father said, before our servants brought us some food and we started to eat.

We made small talk while we were eating, and I knew that father only wanted us to be here because I had just almost died, but most of the time my thought was on the beautiful girl I'd left in my chambers.

"You two are excused, there are a few things I need to deal with before I turn in tonight." Father said, and both Morgana and I stood up. We walked out, shortly followed by Morgana's maidservant, Gwen. That was something else Amara had gotten me to do, learn more about our servants. Before she arrived I didn't even know the name of Morgana's maidservant, and forgot my own manservants name half the time, and then this wonderful girl walked into my life and I suddenly found myself knowing all about the servants in the castle, and I would call them by their first names.

She was honestly a blessing for me. I knew that before I was slightly arrogant and acted like the typical pompous Prince's that I had read in the stories that Amara liked so much. And then she walked into my life and I immediately wanted to help her. Something about her was so intriguing and I was always craving to know more about her.

She cared so much for her family and she had so much love for Merlin. It broke my heart when he got poisoned, and to see her go through the heartbreak of even thinking about losing him. There was no way that she would be able to have coped if he had actually died, and in all honesty neither would I. Merlin, even though I would never admit it, had become a really good friend, and I enjoyed hearing him insult me because I had never had anyone step to me like Merlin did. Like either of them did.

Amara fought for everything she believed was right, not as violently as her brother did, but she knew when something was wrong, and I knew that having her here in Camelot would be so helpful. She was changing my view on everything that had been drilled into me for the last twenty-one years, which was very impressive considering how damaging some of the lessons father put me through were.

"Someone's thinking about a girl." Someone said, bringing me from my thoughts and I realised that I had just been aimlessly walking around the castle thinking about the woman I loved. I turned around to see that Morgana was smirking at me. "What is that supposed to mean?" I asked, trying not to let on that I was getting nervous. I'm sure Morgana would be supportive of a relationship between me and Amara due to the close relationship between the two, but I didn't think I could live with the constant teasing I would get from her after admitting that I had fallen head over heels for the girl.

"That look on your face, I've never seen you like that. And you've also been walking around the castle for almost half an hour, something is definitely on your mind." She said, and I shook my head. "Stop being stupid Morgana. I'm going back to my room." I said, before turning around and walking back to my room, silently hoping that Amara was still there, although I knew she wouldn't be.

I opened the door and was slightly disheartened at the empty room, but not disappointed. I quickly went over to my bed and sat down, waiting for Merlin to come back and help me get ready for bed. As I was waiting I let my mind wander again to his sister, and I knew that I would end up having a hard time trying to stay away from her around the castle. At least she was Gaius's apprentice, so I had more of an excuse to talk to her than I did to a servant, and I knew that between now and when we were actually allowed to be together I would be seeing a lot of her, considering Camelot seemed to attack danger, and there was always something going on that needed a Physician.

I heard the door open and I looked up and saw that it was Morgana and Gwen. I furrowed my eyebrows, what were they doing here? I rolled my eyes slightly as they just walked in and settled down, not even asking if I was okay with it. "What is it now, Morgana?" I asked, and the girl just looked at me innocently. "Well I wanted to know who you were thinking about earlier and I dragged Gwen along with me because she didn't want to return home just yet." She said, and I sighed.

I should have known something like this was going to happen. Morgana has to know what's going on everywhere, all the time, it was honestly painful sometimes. I knew that I would have to tell her or she would be asking me everyday, over and over, eventually asking me the question in front of my father, and that would not end well.

"Fine, fine, I'll tell you. It's A-" I started before the door flew open and Merlin crashed in, shouting my name as he did. I stared at him accusingly as Gaius appeared behind my manservant. "Merlin! What do you want? I'm trying to speak with Morgana, plus you should have been here an hour ago when I returned to my chambers." I said, slightly relieved that he had cut us off, before I could admit to Morgana who the girl was.

Merlin looked across to the other two people in the room, before turning back to the Court Physician and sharing a worried look with him. Now they were really starting to worry me. It wasn't like Merlin to withhold information from me, especially when he thought that I could do something to help with it. "Merlin, what is it?" I asked, now getting annoyed at him.

"It's Amara, she's missing."

A/N: And here ends book 1.

I really hope you enjoyed it. I will be uploading another part, that will just be me ranting about stuff, so you can just skip it if you want, but there may be some information about a sequel on there if you would be interested in that.  

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