Interlude - The Pain Returns

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I took a shaky breath and my eyes flickered open. I saw the familiar ceiling that belonged to my room in Gaius's chambers. I tried to move, but found that my body wouldn't let me. There was a strong pounding in my head and the light that streamed through the windows made me feel slightly dizzy. I took a few deep breaths and tried to cast my mind back to what had happened before. I could remember Lancelot leaving, but that was all.

I groaned slightly and tried to move again. I was delighted that I managed to move my head and my arms. I hauled myself into an upright position and whimpered at the crazy pain that flashed through my back. I took a few deep breaths and was about to shout for Gaius or Merlin, but I heard a voice coming from the other room. "How is she Gaius, both Morgana and I are worried for her?" I heard Gwen say.

I furrowed my eyebrows and decided to listen in to the conversation, maybe I could find out what had happened to me. "She'll be fine Gwen." I heard Gaius say comfortingly. "She's been asleep for over five days now. And she just collapsed without reason, we just want to know what's wrong." Gwen said, and I felt a sense of confusion set into me. I had been asleep for five days, and I'd just collapsed, that didn't make any sense.

Then my brain woke up, and I realised that I had a large pain in my back, right where I got my usual one. Was that what had caused me to pass out, it had never been that strong before, what happened to change that. I gasped loudly as a large pain shot through my body. I could hear the murmuring stop next door and there were a few pairs of rushed footsteps. Suddenly the door slammed open and I winced at the loud noise.

I looked up and saw Gwen with Gaius just behind her. "Amara!!" Gwen yelled and she rushed to my bedside, she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. I winced slightly, but returned the hug. "Are you alright?" She asked, her concern lacing through her voice. I nodded my head, still very confused about what was going on. "Gwen, I need to talk to Amara, can you go fetch Merlin and inform him that Amara has woken up, then you can tell Morgana as well." Gaius said, and Gwen rushed out the room.

"What happened?" I asked Gaius. He shook his head. "I do not know, one minute I was working and then Gwen rushed in saying you had collapsed. I presumed it had something to do with your pains, but I examined you and you were in perfect conditions. When people collapse, as you will probably know there are obvious symptoms which can tell us why they did, but you had none, I don't know what happened, I'm sorry Amara." Gaius said, sympathetically and I nodded slowly.

We sat in silence for a short while before I was about to say something. But before I got the chance the main door to the Physician's chambers opened, and soon enough Merlin was in the room. "'Mara!!" He yelled and he basically launched himself at me. "Merlin, be careful." Gaius said, and Merlin quickly apologised. "Are you okay?" He asked, and I nodded slightly. "I was so worried about you, and what had happened, I don't know what I would've done if you'd never woken up, oh I love you so much." He said really quickly and I laughed slightly.

"Merlin, I'm fine, and it's good to know you care so much." I said, and he hugged me again. "Come on Merlin, we should let your sister rest, otherwise she'll never be able to get out of bed." Gaius said, and the two men left the room. I sighed and turned over carefully in the bed, having the full intention of falling asleep.

However, something else caught my eye. There was a small piece of paper on the table between mine and Merlin's bed, which had my name on it. I looked at the closed door of the room before picking it up. I opened it out and turned it over, to find it covered in writing. I read:

'Dear Amara,

Thank you so much for everything you, and your brother, have done for me in Camelot, I really appreciate it, and wouldn't have got that far without either of you. I know you don't want me to leave, and I don't want to leave you either, I have grown rather fond of you in my brief time in Camelot, but I must be truthful with myself. I don't deserve to be a knight, not yet, so I will go out and prove myself. One day I hope to return, and when I do I hope you'll be there. Even if I don't return I have faith that our paths will meet again, I hope that they do.


I let out a shaky breath and a few tears fell down my cheeks. I smiled and placed the small piece of paper on my side of the room. Then I closed my eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep filled with dreams of daring knights, and one in particular being here, in Camelot.

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