Chapter 13 - The Moment of Truth (Part 2)

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The next morning I was the first one up, as I always had been when I lived in Ealdor. So I got up and brushed down my dress, before leaving the house to get ready for the day. I went to the water pump and splashed a little on my face to wake me up properly, before I headed to Matthew's house, knowing he would definitely be awake by now. And this was confirmed as he walked out his house as I approached it.

"Matthew!" I yelled, and I jogged over to the man, who turned around and smiled as he saw me coming. "Amara, I meant to say this yesterday, but it's good to see you again." He said as I reached him, and I smiled at the man I knew very well. "I was just wondering if there was anything I could do." I asked. Matthew smiled at me, and nodded his head.

"If your mother has told me correctly she said that you were apprenticing a physician back in Camelot, I don't know how this is going to end, but it would be useful to have some tonics on hand. You can go into the forest if you wish and collect any herbs you need." Matthew said and I smiled widely at him, thanking him. I was about to rush off when Matthew called out to me, "And Amara, I like this newfound confidence!" He yelled. I blushed and looked at my feet.

As I walked to the forest I thought about what the farmer had said. I hadn't realised how much more confident I had gotten in Camelot. I spoke a lot more, and wasn't afraid to start a conversation with someone. I hadn't even noticed it because it felt so natural doing it in Camelot, if you weren't loud you weren't heard.

I began collecting herbs, and continued to do so until my stomach began rumbling and I realised I hadn't eaten all day. I put all that I had into a bag and started walking back to the village. I walked through the fields to avoid getting in the way of the men, who were undoubtedly training to fight now. I walked round the front of the house and put the herbs on the table.

Then I looked over and saw that there was a bowl on the table with food in it. I smiled, knowing that mother had left it, as she always used to do. I grabbed it and started eating. After I had finished I spent half of the afternoon making simple tonics and pastes which would help deal with internal and external injuries, as well as infections and fevers. When I was done I looked around for somewhere to put them, but didn't find anywhere in the hut where I knew no-one would knock the bottles over, so they ended up in my bag.

I then peered through the window and watched what was going on outside. Arthur stood in front of a line of men, and was instructing them about swordcraft. Morgana and Gwen were off to the side, sharpening some swords. I looked all over, but couldn't see Merlin anywhere, so I presumed he was doing something for Arthur.

I looked over and the small set of books that we had that laid under the bed. I picked the first one up and opened it, smiling at the familiar story I had read over and over. By the time evening came I had finished the book and started on the next one.

Mother was the first one to return, smiling at me and kissing the top of my head. Then it was Morgana and Gwen, who were slightly surprised at my presence, but got over it and started whispering between them. Merlin and Arthur soon followed, only glancing at me for a second before collapsing of exhaustion.

Soon enough we had all eaten and were settling down, getting ready to go to sleep. I laid down and sighed at the thought of Kanen coming back. It took me a while but I finally fell into an uneasy sleep.

The next morning I was the first one awake again. I quietly cooked some food for everyone, giving them all a bowl, but not eating myself before leaving the house again. I sighed at the early sun that was just hovering on the horizon. I looked down at my feet and walked a familiar route down to the nearby river. I sat down once I got there and sighed at the serene nature of my surroundings.

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