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To my readers: As you, all know that it is a murder mystery so here is a request; Please don't ask me whether it is a happy ending story or not. Please don't ask me any question about the suspected murderer or upcoming plot. It will kill the mystery and the attraction of the storyline. If you guess anything please don't discuss or disclose it in the comment box. I will be happy if you all enjoy the gradual unfolding of every secret of this journey. 🙏🙏🙏

Some important advice & request:

1. Don't copy my creation.......

Plagiarism will be strictly handled. Be inspired not an imitator. If you like any particular thought you may add it to your story by mentioning my name.

2. No bashing......

Every writer should have his/her freedom to imagine or fantasize. If you don't like the plot, characters or dialogues simply quit reading. No bashing or bad words will be entertained.

3. Keep voting & commenting........

If you genuinely like my work please do vote and comment. I will genuinely appreciate my readers' advice. It will keep me motivated.

4. Please don't keep on requesting for updates........

Creativity needs time, however, I will try to not let my readers wait for long.

5. Original fan fiction........

It is entirely my imagination and doesn't have any connection to any living or dead or any other stories. If it does, it's completely unintentional.

Happy reading ...........



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